Why you shouldn't use a thumbless (hook?) grip on bench

I believe this is called a hook grip, the guy isn't using his thumbs and he's maxing out the bench. That and his spotter doesn't ease out of the lift off. See what happens?

Personally I don't use the hook grip, is there any reason one should?
Hehe that is awesome. But the trainer didnt drop the weight on him, the kid dropped the weight.
Personally I don't use the hook grip, is there any reason one should?

I know a few people who have used the thumbless grip. One of them broke 3 ribs due to the very type of drop in the video. Of course the guy in the vid had no business trying that weight He could not stabilize it to begin with.

I do not use the thumbless grip.
thumbless grip and hook grip is not the same. Hook grip is the grip oly lifters use, where you hook your thumb under your fingers
I think it's really hard for a spotter to catch that, the dud dropped it just after the spotter let go. The spotter should have told him not to use a thumbless grip though..
Yeah it would have been near impossible to catch. I wonder if they were going for reps or a 1RM?

The spotter could have at least minimized the damage. Its uncanny how it just slips out of his grip on both hands at the same time. Bar rotation maybe?