Sport Why wont this work:(

Sport Fitness
2 weeks ago I decided to start dieting. A real diet. Hopefully to change my eating habbits for life. Now the first 4 days I dropped 5 pounds. Then slolw lost another 5. Now randomly when I weigh myself in the morning im back up to 210. I was 215 originally. Sometimes I wake up to 205, sometime 210. Im so tired of this. Why is it yoyoing?! :mad: I want to kill something right now. I havent had a taste of sugar in 2 weeks. All im eating is whole wheat bread, turkey, salad and tomatoes, sometimes peanut butter and bread. That has basically been my diet for 2 weeks. What do I do from here. If i start excersising I will gain muscle weight which I dont want. I want to be around 190. Somebody please tell me what to do Im lost from here. What do i eat?
sounds like an unbalanced diet, and unless it's natty PB, its crap.

Instead of all that bread, why not try soem old fashioned oatmeal, lots and lots of fruits and veggies - for your carbs. Make sure every meal includes 20g or more of lean protein: chicken breast, turkey breast, lean beef, NO PORK, cottage cheese, egg whites, and whey shakes.
Malkmore thanx so much for your reply. Ok, so more fruits and vegetables I can do. I dont know what type of Peanut butter your talking about but mine is the kraft one. Oatmeal i can do also. How do you suggest I eat it though? Through bars or oatmeal breakfast? Pork I never eat anyways. What is a whey shake? Isnt that for gaining muscle?
Oh i almost forgot. 20 grams of lean protein? I have lots of turkey but im not sure exactly how much 20 grams is. 20 grams a day or each meal? If i eat all this food how will I lose weight?
Kraft is probably not natural. The ingredients should read: Peanuts. (maybe salt, but that's IT). if the label lists more than 0g of Trans fats, it's bad stuff.
I think skippy makes a natty PB, otherwise check in the fridge section by the butter for natty PB.

A piece of lean meat the size of a deck of playing cards is about 20g of protein. You want about 1g of protein per pound of body weight.

I'm assuming you are weight training and doing cardio. Doing those, with a good diet is going to make you lose weight.
Take a look at the FitDay link in my sig and you can see everything I've eaten (and will eat up until 5pm). I'm barely at 1,000 calories, yet that's 4 meals! By not eating crappy carbs (soda, bread, etc) and processed foods (which have lots of fat and carbs), I cut my calories significantly. Heck, I'm even at the point where I need to eat a tablespoon of PB to make sure I'm getting ENOUGH fat in my diet ot stay healthy.

Eating right is all about the right foods, and proper portion sizes. You might wanna start your own account. its free, and once you get a good idea of how your daily foods add up, you won't have to use it religiously until you change things up.
I assume they werent weight training or doing cardio from: "If i start excersising I will gain muscle weight which I dont want." I could be wrong but...

You don't have to gain muscle (bulk) by working out. Light aerobic exercising, swimming, biking, running, etc won't cause much muscle mass to develop if you keep it light. And you want lean muscle. Muscle burns fat on its own.

Dieting alone doesnt really shed lbs unless you starve yourself or hurt yourself in the process. A good diet will help you maintain weight, and combining exercise will help you lose it safely.
you might want to try eating more wholesome foods. ie- oatmeal, fruit, alot of veggies. the oatmeal would serve as a better carb than the bread. you also might want ot try eating a good amount of your daily carbs in the morning, that way they can be used/burned throughout the day. A good hour of excersize might be good too.
Smuckers makes a good natural PB (Peanuts and salt), thats it.

Its NORMAL for your weight to flex about 5 pounds during the day. Part of the reason your driving yourself NUTS is that you entering a land of unknowns to you, and you have to make them KNOWN TO YOU.

Have you learned to determine your MT line? Do you know approximent how many calories your taking in a 24 hour period. Do you know what foods are good and what foods are bad on a diet to lose fat tissue? Do you understand the laws of energy balance?

Go here where I posted some good information. This will get you atleast started. DONT BE FRUSTRATED ANY MORE!

It has some information on how to determine your maintenance calories (MT), and other info that may interest you.

OOPS...........An old thread.......LOL.........I must be the one OLD..........LOL!!
Ok first of all you need to understand that your fat doesn't disappear after 2 weeks of dieting. Eating healthy is something you need to change for a LIFETIME. Also, please understand that the best weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. Therefore, the 5 pounds you lost is a good amount of weight loss for 2 weeks. You should not be losing more than that in a 2 week period.

Secondly, are you weighing yourself at the same time everyday with the same amount of clothing on? You should weigh yourself in the morning with no clothes on prior to eating anything.

Also, you need to understand that the first initial weight that you lose is generally not from your fat stores. It takes more long term dieting to lose your fat stores because your body likes to conserve fat as much as possible (partially due to the fact that it takes too much energy to break down fat and it would rather use easier forms of fuel such as blood sugar and some muscle).

Next, you need to start some type of exercise regimen. Cardio exercise helps burn more calories, whereas weight lifting helps build muscle mass. You want to build muscle mass because the more muscles you have, the more calories your body consumes (basically your metabolism increases). This will help you reach your goals faster.

When evaluating your diet, make sure you know how many calories you need to maintain your weight. You can find this out by typing "how many calories do I need?" in Google. Then you need to subtract that amount by 250-500 calories, and that is how much you need in 1 day. You can use this information and other web pages to help you calculate how many calories you are eating daily. Keep a detailed food log (including toppings and condiments) and make sure you are not going over your caloric needs. Make sure you are eating enough of every food group. You can use the interactive USDA food guide pyramid web page to guide your food choices. The only modification I would do would be to add a little more protein than what they recommend.

This is just a rough sketch of things you need to consider. Please keep in mind that weight loss is a LONG-TERM goal and it doesn't happen overnight. If you really want to achieve this, you need to make sure you are willing to put in the necessary time (depending on how much you want to lose, it may take anywhere from 1-5 months to lose 20 pounds). Also, you never want to neglect exercise. I hope this helps . . .
I saw that there were recent responses, LOL.

And, I just need to adjust by bi-focals.......because old age blurrs vision, LOL

IM whackie anyway.......LOL

Is this a religious restriction?:) What about lean pork? I buy some pretty lean looking pork tenderloin that I grill, isn't that a fairly clean source of protein?