Why women should weight train!


New member
:) Ok so most of you know i go on and on about this...here are some reasons why you should listen to me hahaha :p ;) so get to lifting those weights!!! :) :D

Besides assisting with fat burning, weight training also has many other benefits. The following list can be found here:

1. Weight training tones your muscles which looks great and raises your basal metabolism which causes you to burn more calories 24 hours-a-day. You'll even burn more calories while you're sleeping.

2. Weight training can *reverse* the natural decline in your metabolism which begins around age 30.

3. Weight training energizes you.

4. Weight training has a positive affect on almost all of your 650+ muscles.

5. Weight training strengthens your bones reducing your risk of developing osteoporosis.

6. Weight training improves your muscular endurance.

7. Weight training will NOT develop big muscles on women....just toned muscles!

8. Weight training makes you strong. Strength gives you confidence and makes daily activities easier.

9. Weight training makes you less prone to low-back injuries.

10. Weight training decreases your resting blood pressure.

11. Weight training decreases your risk of developing adult onset diabetes.

12. Weight training decreases your gastrointestinal transit time, reducing your risk for developing colon cancer.

13. Weight training increases your blood level of HDL cholesterol (the good type).

14. Weight training improves your posture.

15. Weight training improves the functioning of your immune system.

16. Weight training lowers your resting heart rate, a sign of a more efficient heart.

17. Weight training improves your balance and coordination.

18. Weight training elevates your mood.
Thats a great article! I especially agree with number 7, As long as your don't want to gain big muscles, you won't. They will be very toned, sexy and feminine.
Thanks Nymph, i thought so too...women generaly think theyre gonna get massive muscles if they lift weights but its not gonna happen. we lack the hormone for that. they can still lift heavy and train hard and look every bit as feminine as the next girl.....theyll just have less fat that them!!! ;)
I am going to start lifting weights next week. While I did it in high school, that was about 6 years ago, and I'm not quite sure where to start. I am just going to be going to the weight room on campus and there aren't any trainers to set up a program with... so I have a few questions...

If I lift twice a week, once upper body, once lower body... what would be some good exercises to do, and what kind of reps should I start with?

Is it okay to just go twice a week, or do I need to go more often for it to be effective?

How do I figure out which weight to start at? Just try and guess?

I love weight training, I really think it played a big part on alot of my weight loss. Good post!