Why the Internet Hates Me

I've also had difficulty with forums. I was basically banished from a fashion advice forum because my opinion on body shape and health was against the majority of the women's there. They seemed to believe that being overweight was good and it meant that you were curvy and loved your body while fit women like myself were all anorexics. I left that forum. It was a hostile environment.

When I first came to this forum, there was a really nasty guy who eventually got banned. He personally attacked me whenever I commented on something. His comments were abusive. I considered giving up on this forum until I found out that most of the people here are pretty nice.

As for the debates, it can be very easy for people to misinterpret what you are trying to say. Sometimes a simple difference in opinion can come across as an attack if not read properly. I lack the tact to be able to clarify my posts enough to avoid this potential confusion, so I try to stay out of heated debates unless I feel very strongly about the subject.

I hope you're feeling better. When I get into a heated debate on the internet, I just step back and ask myself, "how much does this really matter?"
Ah, if everyone was too nicey-nice on here it would be boring.
It's human nature to take things a certain way. I always try to think positive since I can't see you eye-to-eye (no pun on your avatar :)). I'm not really sure how I make out to be on this forum. But I always try to think that I'm helping people. I don't know if I am and I always welcome people's opinions.
That is very sad for you, DEF. Kittens are cuteness.

Lee, I thought our bedroom antics were secret so Evo wouldn't find out.
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I don't know you but I enjoy reading your posts. I think they come across as honest.

But I am afraid of cats (and yes, even kittens) so now I'm not so sure...
I can relate, Sara. I've even started using a lot of emoticons...which I hate. I used to feel that if you could express yourself well enough, people would understand. Unfortunately, it doesn't really matter how well you express yourself, if people are too stupid to read it...So now I use emoticons :)

Like you, I just like to tell it how it is and I hate being a nice-nazi and tiptoeing everywhere, afraid to step on any toes. Unlike you, I occasionally set out to step on toes.

But I accept your apology u big hugh jerkk

i was going to say that kitten made me hungry! tastes like chicken probably.

and the only pees that don't think you are mean are the meanies just like ya!

oh wait,, or maybe it;s the "other" people that have enough experiences, not age, but experiences to realize words, people, opinions, and all that don't really matter...

it's all about the spirit

the music, not the notes. there is a difference.,,,, and ifg you missed my music because i am loos with the notes (spelling) then i hat ya too.


I like me ad i find my self quite funny... heehee

yeah! I think it is absolutely adorable and i would never eat one because I love kittens. in my previous post i was being a fetus, or fesecious or ferocious or what was i really... hm,mmmmm

an earth person would probably say i was being obnoxious.

time for bed
Sara is beautiful though her kitten...

Just remember Sara great people are often misunderstood.

Also remember people make up phrases like that to makes us feel better...

Awww, Sarah, I just saw this :(

I know what you mean though. Words can def. be misunderstood (in forums) because you lose that 'something' that goes with face to face conversations.

I have to disagree with Lei Yun Fat though, I don't think it's becasue people are "stupid". I think, people just read with the emotion they are feeling at the moment and not the emotion of the person writing it. Does that make sense?

I for one like you, you know that :) [insert sarcasm here]But I don't like the following people:

and especially EVO ;)
[end sarcasm here]


disclaimer: Obviously I'm just kidding people!!