why does this girl keep wanting to keep in touch?

She met me through my friend the last month of senior year of high school. She would continually try to call me up and keep saying how she hasn't seen me in awhile and would like to see me. The thing is she also keep saying she has a boyfriend. First off, I only know her through my friend, so we weren't close in the first place. And second, she is getting pretty annoying.... how can I make her.... stop? what's the best part to make her stop contacting me? i must sound shallow or something, but u guys have no idea how often she does this, to the point that it's no even funny..

and the thing is i've been trying to indirectly say that i only keep in contact with close friends from high school, and i think she is assuming she is one of them even though we aren't even close!!

maybe she justs want to be friends? but then again every conversation we've had has been the same: she keeps asking me when i am coming back, when do i go back to school, who i keep in contact me... gahhh it's so annoying. we have nothing in common except our mutual friend.

what should i do?

btw i'm a 2nd year in college.
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Block her number...
I had the same problem once.

I kept being really nice and saing sorry but I dont have time to talk. etc... but she didnt get the hint. I blocked her number but she got a bunch of sim cards from somewhere and kept calling me from different numbers at stupid times of the morning. I had to call her Dad and get him to sort it.

So, Unlimited - be nice, cos she may have a problem. But if she still dont get it, talk to someone she is close to and tell them how annoying it is. Dont just be nasty to her, she may not feel like she is in the wrong and being nasty will only make the problem worse.

Good luck.
maybe ask your friend to talk to her for you. oh and i agree w/slimsadies post above.
ughhh..... thanks everyone for the input!

i also get annoyed because she *never* spells the university that I am attending correctly.
Umm, the best way to get the girl to quit is just friggin tell her.

just say hey, you know this isn't meant to be mean, but I don't want to talk to you and Id appreciate it if you would stop trying to call me.

just be honest.

or you can get her home, bang her and tell her to make you a ham sammich and leave it on the counter on her way out... that would get her to leave you alone :p
or you can get her home, bang her and tell her to make you a ham sammich and leave it on the counter on her way out... that would get her to leave you alone :p

And this, folks, is the only advice worth listening to.

Justification for the hit it and quit it- if she keeps mentioning her boyfriend she probably just wants to fool around.
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I agree that you should just tell her in a nice manner (even though you find her annoying). Screw doing it indirectly. It seems like she just really rubs you the wrong way. People have affected me that way too. Just tell her you don't have much in common and that you don't really see a point in hanging out.

here are a couple of comments you can make to her too.

Ask her if shes into the group thang...

Tell her that you practice "an alternate" religion and show up to a date with her with a live chicken, a butcher knife, and a red stained apron asking her if she wants to do the honors.

Tell her that you can take her out, but you have to be back before 9:30 to sand the bunions off of your mothers feet.

LOL im sorry dude, it isn't funny but I'm just trying to lighten ya up a bit, I would just be honest with her.
who gave her all of your contact info like your phone #, email, etc? I'm assuming you didn't since you two were only aquaintances through a mutual friend. Anyways, you can stop replying to her...don't answer the phone, don't return emails, etc. Or tell her you have g/f and that your g/f doesn't like you talking to other women.
My thoughts exactly Simbl. As long as you reciprocate in some way (by taking her calls etc.) you're giving her the impression you want a friendship with her as well.

If you don't want to take the direct way, by telling her you don't think you guys can be friends, then just ignore her. She'll stop eventually.
Be honest.

Now that is some terrible advice.