Why does my body feel softer?


New member
When you lose weight, is your body supposed to feel more...I can't describe it, maybe like, squishy? I'm not talking about loose skin or anything. My stomach and arms feel softer since I've lost a few pounds. It starts to scare me and makes me think that as I lose weight I'm just going to keep getting "softer" and end up looking like a pillow with lumpy stuffing or something. :(

And has anyone ever just had days where they were kind of depressed over the process of weight loss? I mean, I've lost 16 lbs so far. I can't really see a difference, or always feel it in my clothes, but if I rub my shoulder or put my hands on my hips I can feel it that way. How does that even work?
I've been wondering the exact same thing as you.. Most of the fat on my body is incredibly soft and I can pull it away and it won't hurt at all. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Hopefully someone has an insight!
I've had the squishy thing happen to me in the past and it is happening this time as well. From what I remember, the squishiness does go away the more toned you become in the stomach, arms or wherever the squisniness is.
I became very soft too. I can actually pinch my legs while before they were too firm to be able to. The skin just easily comes off the meat and bones. I also don't know why.
I had asked the same question a while back -because i had really noticed it in my calves -which were once really really hard and quite beefy... they haven't shrunk all that much but they have gotten softer or flabbier - and the reason I was given - and I've no reason to doubt the source -w as because the fat was getting ready to leave :)
The whole "softer" thing happens when your fat starts to loosen. And if you think about your skin... your skin right now is the size it needs to be for your original weight... and while it does shrink back (for the most part anyway) over time, at first you still have some extra space... so the fat is not packed in there anymore. The trainer at the gym a few weeks back asked me how much weight I'd lost because he noticed that my tummy was softer and that the fat dropped.
Thank you! I was starting to worry that nobody knew what I was talking about. :blush5: