A good friend of mine is one of the authors of an upcoming fitness book which is going to be huge in the fitness industry. He asked in his forum, for us to give him some common misconceptions that are floating around as they pertain to weight training. He wanted to make sure the authors were not forgetting anything. Thought it couldn't hurt to post them here as they apply to anyone and everyone who is lifting weights. I will post more as the list grows, if it grows. And they are in no specific order:
-Women have to be careful or they'll get 'bulky'
-Women should do high reps/light weight
-Crap about people having some type of muscle fibre that means they should lift high rep/light weight
-High reps for 'cutting'
-Bodypart splits = best way for a natural beginner/intermediate trainee to make gains
-Insane amounts of volume and/or too many exercises per session
-Machines are better, "most physiotherapists recommend machines"
-Fasted cardio
-Spot reducing
-Muscle can turn into fat if you stop lifting (or vice versa)
-Full squats are bad for your knees and/or is not a natural movement, etc.
-Sort of spinning off what absolute said, but that there's a difference in how men and women should train ("you shouldn't lift like a man, sweetie!")
-Training the ****e out of your abs will give everyone a "washboard stomach"
-cardio is the only way to burn fat
-3 sets of 10 reps is the magical approach
-women shouldn't go heavy on squats and DLs
-cardio an hour a day (more cardio rather than menu determines abs and cuts)
-building muscle while dieting (most think they are doing this with crazy volume and high reps)
-the smith machine is the best way to do squats
-Managing fatigue isn't as important as managing volume and intensity.
-only use protein powder if you want to get huuuuuuuge
-You can build muscle and lose fat at the same time.
-If you're not at the gym for at least an hour, you're not doing enough
-Soreness is the best measure of a good workout
-Your muscles need at least a week of recovery (see: bbing splits)
-If you work a muscle more than 1x/week you're OVERTRAINING
-Cardio is where its at
-Fasted cardio is where its at
-You grow while you lift
-cardio makes your legs more muscular so there is no need to train legs
-Plyos are great for fat loss
-You should feel the burn when lifting
-You should lift even more while dieting.
-You should drop all heavy movements/compound movements when dieting and concentrate on isolation movements
Probably some repeats, and I am sure there will be more. Just a friendly reminder.
Oh, I should also say, if you have any, post them up. I haven't added to this list yet.