why do i sweat so much??


New member
I was just wondering if something is wrong with me?? LOL

Me and my friend go for a briskwalk 4 miles each night..At the end of our last mile i am sweating like a pig!! but she barely sweats? whats going on? lol
Some people sweat more. There is even a genetic disease thing which means you sweat tons galore and are literally soaking all the time in it. They can get botox injections into sweat glands to help apparently.
I dont sweat much, i just go a horrid red colour. On the plus side i never have to shower much after exercise (ie i can run or bike to work and go the whole day with only underarm), but my face will be bright red for an hour or so :)
I am no expert, maybe someone with better knowledge than I can give a more scientific answer...I am curious to know as well, ;)

IDK but I have had this (if you want to call it a problem) my whole life. PPL may argue it is because we are not in great shape. With that said I have noticed that I don't start out as sweaty, it takes a little longer now for me to work up to that initial *Sweatimafidness* :D BUT I still really sweat (like an on going river flowing of dripping sweat) I can be out for a walk in -30 degree's Celcius (-22F) or 30 C (86F) and still sweat after about 5-10 minutes. It just does not matter.

I know there are conditions out there to cause other's to sweat more than other's too, I am not sure what they're called, but I have looked into some forms of surgery to stop the production from sweat glands. They use Botox ( I believe) on the underarms which cuts the flow of sweat. I also have this type of Anti-Perspirant called "Drysol: Extra Strong, to control excessive sweating of underarms, palms, and soles)* It's REALLY STRONG stuff, it's medicated. I've actually only used it once, cause it hurt sooo much, I made the mistake of putting it on sweaty underarms....YOWZERS ( I had read the manual but seemed to have mis-interpreted the "you may want to use a hair dryer on your under arms b4 applying" lol :rolleyes: I know these aren't the only area's a person sweats, since my face & back really light up when I walk or run around too. It's lovely. ;)

I have met a few ppl that completely DO NOT sweat and wished that they did, it's a way of our body trying to cool us off.

Anyways I hope you find the help you are looking for. :)
Oh sorry just saw wishes post, when I clicked reply there wasn't another post yet. :)
i just thought i might pop in and let you know i have this problem too...i'm hoping in my case it's because of all the extra weight i'm carrying so hopefully the more weight i loose the less i'll be sweating.

i just had to add that today and yesterday were very hot and humid here (so not helping)...then i get to the gym of which the a/c has been not working for a while but yesterday and today it was just too much, i was litterally sweating rivers it was downright embarassing!

it's unfortunate that of all the days i had a meeting with the cutest trainer at the gym, i couldn't even hear a thing he was saying since i just kept wiping the sweat of my face (when he'd be looking away) in an attempt to look more presentable...lol!

all i can say is i'm open to any solutions others may have!
im not usually a sweater though..I have heard of those injections, but thats for those who just sweat even with no activity..its only after a longer workout..but geez! i lose over a pound of sweat in an hour..
I dont really sweat alot, but i know i put off a hell of a lot of heat. To the point that if im in a car in the winter, my side will be steamed up. if i set next to a cool window in a restraunt, i'll easily fog that window up when nobody else will
Think its got to do with your weight

I am overweight currently and I also sweat like hell after coming back from my brisk walks. This was not always the case though. I used to very thin around two years ago and till that time I wasn't sweating much. fat people sweat more , i guess and also people who have that genetic condition as mentioned above.
Im starting to think it might be because i have retained some water? I'm having issues with that lately too along with high b/p and headaches..
Sweating when you workout is actually good than barely squeezing a drop or two. But sweating a lot even if only briskwalking (at night) could be a sign of something else. If you feel your case is not at all common, see a doctor.
I sweat a LOT too. I've always told people that I can sweat at 70 degrees in my office doing paperwork. Since I've been losing weight I am not sweating quite as much, but there are still buckets especially compared to other people. My wife hardly sweats at all. The tempurature's been in the hundreds for the last 2 weeks and I swear I'm leaving puddles everywhere. I guess this isn't going to change much so I'll just keep a couple of papertowels in my pocket when I think it's going to be a problem.
I am a huge sweater too... and I am not overweight anymore, but still sweat ridiculously! I sweat more quickly and more profusely than a lot of other people around me, my father also does, while my sister and mom for instance don't.

There are some things that trigger it more as well, like of course I sweat doing exercise (and often way more than others) but it is more of a problem when i go from a cold environment into a warm one.
I used to mind it a lot, and it is still a bit of a problem in wintertime when it gets cold and I start sweating as soon as I enter a bus/underground train/shop and therefore in my jumper and coat get quite smelly quite quickly. I had to carry a deodorant with me all the time in London winters.

I also have ice cold skin while I sweat (so I know the sweat is doing it's job very well), I guess my body just reacts like that. Today in dance I would at times sweat onto the floor when I had to stretch and bend over (which is gross) and there was at least 1 other person who had this problem as I saw wet spots in someone else's spot too. Usually it is not a very bg problem anymore though, I have just acceped that I am the way I am and it is not pathological yet I'd say, just more than average.

I also, by the way, get a very hot head and very cold limbs in the evenings when I am out with friends and therefore excitedly talking (it happens more in winter than in summer, and not at all if I am just with my boyfriend, or my family). I go red like a tomato and feel feverish, but have no fever. I guess my body is just nto that good at temperature regulating! Oh well, there are worse things!
I sweat a lot too while doing any kind of physical activity these days.. The sweating has got worse ever since I hit 345lbs. It was not this bad when I was not this heavy.

I am sure mine is due factors related to obesity like high blood pressure and higher heart rate than normal.