why do i make it so difficult for myself?


New member
hi, im liz, im 35 and weigh 22 stone. ive been getting bigger and bigger since my teens. ive had 3 babies in the last 5 years and gotten bigger after each of them. now when i need all my energy for them ive none. i feel so tired and achey all the time. everyday i start well with good plans in my head and journal for the day but by lunch time and tea time i find myself diggin into rubbish food sometimes without even thinking about it.
then once ive started i get the mindset that ive blown it and keep going, i hate myself for being this way, i NEED to lose this weight. 12 stone is my goal to lose but it seems like a losing battle as its so so much. im a very emotional eater and really have to think about what im doing when i eat. i keep thinking about all the bad things that can happen to me because of this weight, most of all about my babies being left motherless but it seems to put more stress on me and i eat more!
ive got xenical from the dr and im great when i take them, then i fall off the wagon! ive takent them on and off for about a year and still ive gotten bigger. why do i keep torturing myself like this?
if anyone has any advice how i can sort my mind out id really appreciate it, thanks in advance, liz x
Hey liz :)

Its a good idea to view that you have a different view upon yourself and overcome emotional eating. You have to recognize what is happening to yourself, as you said sometimes you don't even notice you start to consume rubbish foods. Try to think that when under stress put in mind that are you really even hungry or just a process of a habit.

Also try to get alternatives to cope with your stress, may not want to suddenly stop eating but make the foods that your are eating healthy. It might be a thought that you just eat but not actually wanting to eat a certain type of food. Keeping a food journal if you have time may also help to construct a good eating plan and routine.

Also you have to stop viewing weight as a negative concept, maybe it is but you have to realize and think that with positive thinking it can achieve to many great levels. Since mental health is a factor of a healthy lifestyle which also is in the same group of physical health. So with thinking positive you are already starting the road to a healthy mind and body.
Welcome to the forum

Believe in your ability to do this. You can do it - but it is important to believe that it is a possible task.

Take things slowly. Dont think about the full 12 stone. Think how nice it would be to be say under 21 stone... Break that up in your head to maybe getting to 21 and a half being a good step along the way.

I remember how I celebrated being a teen girl - getting under 20 stone for the first time in years... I was delighted.

Try to bring some exercise into your life. I started by walking round the crescent that I live on. It is about 0.6 miles round. I started off by walking round that. I did it slowly because I couldnt do anything briskly when I was 21 stone... Dont believe people that tell you that you have to walk briskly for it to be of any benefit. That is rubbish. It was the biggest help to me. I found that I naturally speeded up as I got fitter. I simply extended the distance every time that I felt that I could.

Try to turn your food into wise and sensible choices. I would start by trying to not have sweets and eat healthily where possible. Some good things to start off with is to drink quite a lot of water and to make sure that you have 5 portions of fruit / veg every day.

There are all sorts of great information all round the forum. There are brilliant sections on nutrition and exercise which are well worth studying paying particular attention to the sticky threads. You will discover all sorts of great ways to help you to live healthily and lose weight.

Taking control of your weight using the principles of exercise and nutrition will take hard work. It will however reward you with a return to good health and the figure of your dreams. You will get a great sense of achievement.

You will also be able to teach your children to eat and live healthily so that they do not have to go through some of the things that we have gone through.

One trick for mindless eating is to chew on sugar free gum during danger times of the day.

Good luck.
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Hi Liz nice to meet you

You asked for advice on how you can sort your mind so I would like to make a suggestion.

Wright down your goals, break them in to small baby steps.

Ask yourself these questions,
1. What do I want to accomplish? Or changes?
2. What will that get you?
3. Where are you now?
4. Find out what is blocking you or standing in the way for you to succeed?
5. What’s the one thing that would make the biggest difference in your life right now?
6. What one small step could you take right now today, that you know you will not fail to do?
7. What support do you need to accomplish your goals?
8. Tell friends and family about your plans it increases your accountability.

Keeping a daily journal of your life events and moods can help pinpoint problems that may affect your health.

By keeping trackers you can trace your progress toward goal achievement like your exercise activity and food intake.

Believe in yourself, you can do this, you have already taken the first step.

Good luck :hurray:
I feel your pain

Having been in your shoes so so many times.
The only thing that has ever worked for me (over
23 years of dieting) is Cohen's. And also realizing
that I eat for emotional support. To squash my emotions.
I have learned that when I have a craving, I also
have an emotion I don't want to feel. My feeling the emotions
I am able to dissipate the craving.

That technique has brought me a lot of relief. And Cohen's
has enabled a detox of sorts, a cleansing for my body.
I am sending you a big cyber-hug.
