Why do a lot of you people increase weights as the set goes on?

Okay, if my question was confusing I am asking why people (ZOMG IM WORDING THIS THE SAME WAY) okay, lets give an example. For example for triceps I start off with 85pound, 2nd set also 85 but I can only do it 8 times and by the 3rd set I can only do 75 seven times. (yes I know I'm weak but I just started lifting last month). But a lot of you do **** like first set 65 fifteen times, 2nd set 75 10 times and 3rd set 85 max, or something like that. (maybe you would start off 75, 85, 95 but anyhow)
Isnt it better to shoot your muscles the first set, kill them the 2nd set and feel dead by the 3rd one? (instead of just feeling dead for only the 3rd set)
That was a horrible metaphor but yall know wat I mean. What do most of you do? (also I only do arms, I dunno if legs are diff or not)
Its just a way to get in different rep ranges on the same exercise. Instead of just doing low reps (for example 5 on all sets) you start with 10, then up the weight 5lbs and shoot for 8, then up it again and shoot for 6 reps. This helps to hit all the different muscle fibers.

Both ways are good, but it depends on what you're trying to accomplish. You can also start heavy with 6 reps and lower the weight each set.
There can be a few reasons for this changing of weights between sets. A change up like this has been shown to increase results because the muscles respond better when you 'surprise' them so to say.
Another way is that, the best way to warm-up prior to weight training is by doing light weights for the muscles you are going to work. This can go further, by starting lighter and working up, by the time you are exercising with a heavier load, it ensures all your muscles are firing and can increase the amount you can lift.
There can be a few reasons for this changing of weights between sets. A change up like this has been shown to increase results because the muscles respond better when you 'surprise' them so to say.
Another way is that, the best way to warm-up prior to weight training is by doing light weights for the muscles you are going to work. This can go further, by starting lighter and working up, by the time you are exercising with a heavier load, it ensures all your muscles are firing and can increase the amount you can lift.

where has this been shown?
National Strength and Conditioning Association of America. Changing up exercise routines assists in muscle developement. In relation to the other issue, especially doing lighter weights as a warm-up for your main routine ensures that more motor units are recruited. Basically our muscles are made up of many motor units. When starting exercise they are not all active, but warming them up and getting more active means that we will be able to lift more than if not as many were active. In terms of chronic consequences, the more exercise we do, the clearer the path is from our brain to these motor units so more and more become activated over time. This results in being able to lift more with in a short term of starting exercise but not having an increased muscle mass. Purely because more muscle motor units are working...
Hope that helps.