why cardio?

someone smart please tell me why cardio is needed for getting rid of fat. I thought all that matters was a calorie deficit and if it comes from an hour of running or eating 500 calories less food you should feel the same amount of hunger at the end of the day so why run to make deficit and not just eat less this saves time and has the same effect for creating deficit, no? Please someone tell me what im missing.
Ha i know you hate the cardio, i will be honest i am not a fan myself. I love love strength training but force the cardio, but you want a smart answer, sadly i got a lot of them so here it comes.

The best thing i have ever read is this.

Losing fat is
simple but it’s definitely not easy –there’s a big difference between the two. “Simple” means that something is uncomplicated. “Easy” implies that something can be achieved with little or no effort. Losing fat is mostly just a matter of exercising more and eating a little less. Nothing complicated there.

Now notice that excercising more part? The tried, true and only life long working method that seems to be is simple...
Eat right (500 calorie deficit with lots of protien,good carbs, veggie, fruits)
Strength train
and yes Cardio.

You are not fighting calories so much as fat. So yeah you can drop a few pounds by backing off on some food, but thats all you are going to drop because your metabolism will get used to that amount and just exsist doing no more work for you. Now you throw in some muscle and get that heart rate up to burn the fat (cardio is what burns fat) then you will start a contiuing course for your metabolism, therefore losing weight, burning fat, and adding tone to your body. See its simple really, Just not easy. I am sorry to bust your bubble, but you gotta have it to lose fat.
I agree, running is the only true way to burn fat and keep your metabolism high. (I hate running too!). You could also weight train for aerobic (reps 20 plus) but it won't be as effective.