Sport Why can't I gain any weight

Sport Fitness
I'm a 13 years old boy and i am 5' 6" and weigh only 105lbs! I am constantly hungry and eat huge meals 3 times a day and constantly snack on many things like yogurt, pretzels, fruits, etc. I am careful not to eat really unhealthy things like cookies, ice cream and brownies. I don't drink any soda at all, only iced tea and water. I also can't put on any muscle no matter how hard i try, but i still do amazing on standardized tests during P.E in school. I can run a mile in 6:30 to 8:00 depending on the day. I can do 30 push-ups with ease. I can do 75 curl ups. I can do less than 9 seconds on the shuttle run. I can run a 5k in 25 minutes. And i am very flexible and do better than most girls on flexibility tests. Even though i don't have much muscle bulk i can still do very well in intensive activities and do much better than other people my age. My family members are all very skinny and tall and can eat as much as they want to without gaining weight. (pretty lucky eh?) :p

So i wanted to know if i will sooner or later start gaining weight in maybe the next few years, or if i will always stay very skinny until i reach my 40's and start putting on weight and have to start managing what i eat?
I think that the reason you do not put on weight is your age. It's too early to make conclusions
Agreed. I don't recall anyone I know having much muscle mass at 13. And every teenager is hungry all the time.

So yeah, you'll start growing after you hit your growth spurt. You shouldn't be stressing about getting muscular at your age.
You are 13. Enjoy! You only get to be 13 once.

If you want to leave the healthy life though, be smart and eat healthy but don't deprive yourself of a little treat here and there :)

As to you being skinny as you grow older, depends on the lifestyle you have.
you still young so don't woryy so much enjoy your life don't think when you reach 40 or ....