Why aren't most supplements

If they are not FDA approved then dont use them.

The reason they are not could be for many diffrent reasons from being made in an unsuitable factory to staff not wearing the correct clothes.

The company I work for is trying to get FDA approved, and its a pretty hard gig.
Its different over here in the USA.

the FDA watches Food and Drugs. supplements are not foods, nor drugs.

But they can change this on a whim apparently, like when the FDA decided ephedra was a 'drug' and then started regulating it.
If they are not FDA approved then dont use them.

I disagree, If it was up to the FDA then all Vitamins and all supplements in general would be completely banned from the market.

Vioxx was FDA approved But The FDA now estimates that the total number of US Vioxx deaths is between 90,000 and 140,000.

The death rate in America today a for medication side affects is 100,000 a year. All of those deaths are caused by FDA approved medication.
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I don't think I've ever seen a bottle of supplements or vitamins that said FDA approved.

Yup, in fact every bottle you see should have a * next to every 'claim' they make, and in fine print says:
* - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

But, by the same token, the FDA is run by lobbyists. Every year a new 'FDA approved' drug gets pulled after a few thousand people die of rectal bleeding or some other horrible side effect.

Hell, Thalidomide was the #1 morning sickness drug for YEARS.
Supplement quality

You can go to : to read all about it (FDA & Supplements). There are some awesome supplements by a company who voluntarily complies with pharmaceutical production standards for purity, potency, and bioavailability. And they guarantee their potency claims. This makes them a product that even a medical professional can recommend. You can contact me if you want more info.
Also I believe that the amount of testing dollar wise to get something FDA approved is a bit of a road block for supplement companies.

Think of all the money and time that goes into testing and proving a new pharmaceutical drug and then the corresponding cost of it when it finally hits the market to make revenue for the producing company. I would expect that if supplements became regulated to the extent of drugs it would likely put their cost well out of reach for many people. Just my guess though.
Also I believe that the amount of testing dollar wise to get something FDA approved is a bit of a road block for supplement companies.

Think of all the money and time that goes into testing and proving a new pharmaceutical drug and then the corresponding cost of it when it finally hits the market to make revenue for the producing company. I would expect that if supplements became regulated to the extent of drugs it would likely put their cost well out of reach for many people. Just my guess though.

Actually, based on their on financial reports released to the puplic a couple of years ago. Shows that the Pharmaceutical company's spend more money annually on commercial time then they do on their own drugs!
The FDA most definitely has many many flaws. As do the drug companies, for that matter. One thing that is a bit scary though is that there are a lot of regulated drugs that still end up hurting people after testing and whatnot. If there are regulated drugs that fall through the cracks, think of all the thousands of supplements that aren't even tested in the first place.

The supplement companies and the drug companies are not exactly in it to help people, they are in it to make money - one makes chemical medicines and one makes herbal/natural based medicines. It doesn't make sense to regulate one and then leave the other to operate completely on the honor system.
For one thing, no one has "officially" proven supplements to work and until they, do the FDA wont approve it. It needs to be run though clinical trials if FDA approval is to be granted and for some reason a lot of companies would rather not do that. Why would they if they can just give their products fancy names, graphs and percentages on their lables that the layman cant even comprehend. It sells though doesnt it? =)
Dont yall get when the FDA decides to "Regulate" (which they are trying to do now) they will be "Prescription" no longer will they be sold in stores only through a doctor.

watch your fish oil jump up to 100+ bucks a bottle.

The FDA is nothing more then an ARM of big Pharma and the single largest profit industry in America is threatened by all herbs,supplements and so on. They constantly are trying to stop all natural supplements from the market.

They want to ban every single item on the market that can make you healthy and prevent you from needing the "purple pill".

Big pharma wants people sick, because like any industry their goal is to earn more money.
Think of it this way, if cancer,heart disease and so on no longer existed in America it would bankrupt the entire industry.

Big pharma is not your friend either is the FDA hell the FDA has said we the people have no need to know which food is Genetically modified, which food will be radiated, which meat will be cloned meat, and wants to abolish all health claims from foods.

A recent study found that the Genetically modified corn we are eating the verry same stuff the FDA has decided we do not need to know about has been found to completely destroy the kidneys in lab animals.

Its theorized that if all Americans digested more real D ( NOT that synthetic crap added to milk) cancer rates would be slashed by 45 to 50% alone.
Simple fact, country with the highest D have the lowest cancer rates and country's with the lowest D have the Highest cancer rates (America). The RDA for D the government set is laughable and all scientist not bought off by the FDA agree that the RDA should be increased to 10,000IU not the pathetic 400IU it is today.

If cancer was cut by such a dramatic amount pig pharma would loose money and the medical industry would near bankrupt.

So do not talk about the FDA needing to regulate our supplements because when they do we will no longer have our supplements, our health foods, our vitamins. Our health our very life will be completely in control of the medical establishment and what THEY think is best.

Hell remember viox? and the thousands apon thousands it killed, well the FDA is bringing it back yay!