Weight-Loss Why are Multi-Grains confusing?



New member
What does it mean? I know fiber comes from most grains and that whole grains are the best, but is a multi-grain product just one that is made up of multiple different grains? It seems simple and if that was correct it would seem like multi-grain products would be optimal right? I’ve also read warning that a person needs to be careful and not be mislead by packing that promotes multi-grains. What’s the deal? What am I looking out for here?

My real question is whether or not is good for me. I love it, it LOOKS healthy but I can’t figure it out!

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I ate smart start for a while, and then stopped, I may start consuming it agin.

My main beef with it is that it contains high fructose corn syrup. :(
Agreed 100% -- That's the only red flag I saw right off, but I'm definitely still in the learning mode. :)
Well there are grains like wheat, barely, and rye, among others. The husk of the grain as well as the actual seed, called bran and germ respectively, is milled off to produce refined grains. Multigran products could have a bunch of grains, but whole grain products contain the grain in the whole form with the bran and germ in tact.

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Whole grain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia