Sport Wholemeal vs White Bread

Sport Fitness
I am wondering should I be switching to wholemeal and grain breads and give up the white??

I love white bread but I find it makes me feel so bloated and I feel guilty about eating so much of it...

I am not a great fan of wholemeal bread but could definently get used to it...

can anyone give any advice?

Yes, switch get used to it! Eating white bread is like eating sugar. No nutrition and actually harmful to your body.

I wasn't crazy about whole grains, but I've learned to love my organic oat nut bread. :)

Agreed! Switch and you'll get used to (and crave) good bread. I personally use Hemp Bread. It's so friggin' healthy, but it does take a bit getting used to. Now I LOVE it.
I grew up on crap bread and only recently changed to "real" bread a couple months ago. Now I love my sprouted 7-grain bread! There's so much fiber and protein in each slice it's unbelievable. At first I missed the taste/texture of regular crappy white/wheat (some brands of wheat bread are crappy) bread but now I wouldn't have anything without my sprouted goodness. I love the taste of it now. So believe me, you'll get used to it :)

Thanks for your replies..... I think I will start on the wholemeal bread first then move to grain....

I know I will get used to it... :)