Sport whole milk or lowfat 2% milk?

Sport Fitness
I've always drank whole milk because I find it tastier... and I'm underweight so I need the lbs anyways..
(19yrs, 145lbs, 5"11')

should I switch to lowfat milk as I start weightlfting this coming spring semester? i usually drink several glasses a day, and the whey protein i've purchased is on the way so i intend to use the milk to make shakes as well (unless water is "better"?)
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Well the calories from the milk aren't as much as a concern as the fat content its self. When you are bulking you want to have a slighter low fat content as to not slow the carbs and protein from helping muscle repair. Also getting good fats (which whole milk has a decent amount of sats) is important. So as far as your post and pre workout meals are concerned I would go with low fat anything period. Having some whole milk at night though wouldn't be a problem, just make sure you are getting some EFA's in and that its not your only fat source.
I switched to 1% milk a while back, I had always used 2% before that...

I would say that you might be better off going to the lower fat milk, I am not a nutritionist or anything, but less fat is usually a good thing.

Why don't you try switching to 2% to start, then maybe go down to 1% after a while?

I don't notice the difference at all anymore... I tried skim but I can't seem to acquire a taste for it so I am sticking with 1%...
truthfully if you are underweight and haven't even started liftin yet I woul be more worried about the rest of your diet then how much milk you are drinking, cause if you are underweight but still a lot of your cals are coming from milk then you probably need to have a good hard luck at the rest of you diet as must be severly undereating so I would try and get the backbone of your diet in order and then add milk,

but then again squats and milk FTW
the only kind of milk i CAN drink is skim...i find all the others to be nasty