Weight-Loss Who knows about Soy?



New member
In last months issue of "Gourmet" mag I read an interesting article about Soy and how it actually causes more harm than good. Now, in all honestly I don't know much about Soy (except for the research I've done over the past few days.)

Here is what I found so far:
"It contains high quantities of various toxic chemicals, which cannot be fully destroyed even by the long cooking process. These are: phytates, which block the body's uptake of minerals; enzyme inhibitors, which hinder protein digestion; and haemagluttin, which causes red blood cells to clump together and inhibits oxygen take-up and growth. Most controversially of all, soy contains high levels of the phytoestrogens (also known as isoflavones) genistein and daidzein, which mimic and sometimes block the hormone oestrogen."

Has anyone else been warned about soy? It's not a huge part of my diet but I do enjoy soy milk, soy sauce, and soy beans. Plus my boyfriend is Chinese so we eat a lot of foods with soy products.

Any suggestions or tips?
If you have a few spare hours - google "Soy and breast cancer"

You will get so much conflicting evidence that it will make your head spin...

I like soy sauce and will have it -I do not like soy milk so won't use it.. I do like edaname quite a bit and will have that regularly... I'm gonna die of something - so I'm going to eat what I enjoy and not get overly stressed out over what I'm reading because a few months downthe road - something else will be written that's in direct conflict than the original article.

eggs are bad - eggs are good -eggs are bad - eggs are good -inmoderation.. :D
eggs are bad - eggs are good -eggs are bad - eggs are good -inmoderation..

so I ate TWICE as many eggs, and then they said they were BAD again, and I went "WELL, now I am REALLY F#@KED"
you say being fucked like it's a bad thing...

oh wait -you didn't say fucked -you fake cussed -I said fucked.. :)

I like that word.. :D
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I’m not agreed with you. I take since last two months and I have not seen any side effect. Instead of side effect provides a healthy way to get non-animal protein into your diet. It is great tasting, natural and can have a plethora of healthy effects on the body. It is ideal for high protein/low crab diets! Its valuable constituents include saponins, phytosterols, and isoflavones. This is one of the best things about soy protein! Saponins support healthy immune system function and combine with cholesterol to reduce it's absorption into the body through the small intestine. Phytosterols have also been shown to help maintain cholesterol levels already within normal range. I use a product that is very popular in this movement.

Everything in moderation! Soy does have pseudo-estrogens in it, and it can cause harm. However, if it's not the foundation of your diet then I don't see how it can be poison. The only reason I don't eat much soy is because it's near impossible to find it non-genetically modified and I just don't trust gmo food. No imperical evidence to back it up, just pure distrust.