who has a dirty little secret?



i'll tell but not until you all do. and i dont mean dirty as in adult themed!
Im out;)......
I got a secret, one time when I was like 7 I shot my sister with a bb gun and told my parents I was aiming for a log right next to her and I really wasnt.

and another, Im a little scared of the dark

oh and I hate bugs

Ive killed a person in every state except hawaii

I can only wiggle my ears if I have sunglasses on

One of these is a lie can anyone tell which one?
errtu140 said:
Ive killed a person in every state except hawaii
I hope thats a lie.

I don't have any dirty little secrets. At least I can't think of any. Oh wait. haha I can think of one.

Ok I had a teacher crush on my chem teacher when I was 16, and he was 27. Then I got a fake ID, wanted to try it out. Got in the club, saw him there and I was really drunk and tried to kiss him. My friends told me the next morning, and the Monday after, he pulled me aside after class and told me he wasn't interested.. It was so embarassing. :(
NO, no the lie is he's afraid of the dark!

Oh, poor Nymph!! I had a teacher crush too, I would of died if that happend!!

Ok, so here's something, its not much but its all I got!! When I was 17, I slept with my boss, lol But hey, everyones done that....right?? LOL
Hmmm thought this wasnt supposed to be adult themed lol ;)
errtu you gotta have something better than that come on now...afraid of bugs lol :p you get your gf to kill them for you? :p just messing w/ ya

dont have any secrets i can think of that are not umm dirty lol
newbride never had the boss but i had a teacher crush too (who doesnt)a on my (student) teacher when i was 17 lol (my french teacher oui oui! :p )got him too at the end of school year! ah im so going to hell ;)
Man your lucky!! I would of traded my boss for the teacher any day!!

So wheres WW?? I wanna know her secret!
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I try to keep my skeletons in the closet cuz no one would think i was very innocent or sweet if they came out... Thank Goodness that God is forgiving...I do know Ive had a colorful past :-D
ok now for my dirty little secret.....

drumrolll pleeeezee....................

ok and yes im very ashamed, here it is.

i smoke.
Oohhh that is a dirty one...what do you smoke? are we talking mary J? or what? ... LOL..jusssttt kidding... yeah..Ive actually thought of taking it up if it would make me thin...but stupid me i smoked pot in college & all i did was get the munchies..way to go brainiac!
u all are so predictable lol

:D :D saw the title and came runnin over here thinking it was something real juicey and totally ignore my poor medications and supplemnts post sitting by its lonesome below. ROFL. all in the wording i guess :cool:
hahaha oh.. its jsut smoking. Got me all worked up there wonderwoman. made me tell my embarassing little secret. I don't usually smoke, but justs ocial smoking. Like when i'm out or stressed. Not often though. As for the teacher thing.. yeah it sucks. I wish I could just have 1 night with him... It's the whole authority figure thing. oh the temptations. He was very.. sexy yet childish.. hahaha. I still giggle when I think about him.
Ah man, I thought it was gonna be something big! :( Anywho..I wonder if Errtu still thinks your a swinger? LOL
Hey..if swinging burns calories...Im in...