White stuff...


New member
I might sound like a pure noob but I was wondering if I stopped eating bread,pasta and all the other types of wheat and ate only protein and vegetables and fruits, would I get more "cut" or "ripped" ???
Along wth exercices of course ...
do spend some time reading the stickied threads..

to get "ripped" is a by product of fat loss...

fat loss is achieved by using more calories than you take in
Wheat, in moderation, is a good part of a healthy, balanced diet. It's the processed, refined white version that is bad for you. Cutting out pastas and breads in general will likely not help you in any significant way (given that you'll probably replace those calories with something else) but eating whole wheat bread and pasta in place of their white counterparts will help because they are lower in calories and make you feel full longer.
At the clinic that i work at, we tell all our clients to cut out anything that is white (pastas, breads, and even potatoes) except for white onions. These cause a spike in insulin (which is secreted after a meal to absorb calories into the body). If you cut out the white stuff, you will see a difference and yes, become more toned. To become ripped you need to do some weights.