Sport white bread..

Sport Fitness
ok, I eat alot of white bread, i cant help it im italian, i love the stuff but why is it so bad for you compared with brown?
Hmm I believe it has alot os sugar in it....maybe im wrong but i do know its ful of simple carbs and and processed. My only suggestion is to try and only eat brown bread. Or wholegrain is good to.
White bread doesn't have anymore sugar than whole wheat - it's just refined, so your body basically eats it up faster. So it's like sugar. Maybe you could try that new Sara Lee whole wheat white bread? I don't know how good it is though.
Or you could just stop being a slave to your tate buds and eat properly!

The glycemic index of white bread is higher than that of sugar. Its processed like heck, and all the nutritional value has been sucked out of it. Over processed, bleached out grains are just not good for the body in so may ways.
There are lots of other grains out there besides whole wheat. I enjoy 12 grain bread and oat nut.
step back and think about foods

do you eat white bread alone or with other foods?

when you combine protein, fats and carbs the glycemic index goes out the window as white bread becomes neutral in a mixed environment

the trick is simply moderation
combine a lean proten
a good fat (like olive oil)
a fiberous veg or fruit
and then your starch of choice
get amacro balance and control the calories, its quite simple really
Portion control has alot to do with it. If you are taking in 1000 cals/day in simple carbs from the white bread, along with the rest of your are probably overeating.

I am Italian as well, so I understand the bread 'thing'.