Sport White Bread THAT bad?

Sport Fitness
Last year in health class, I saw that the new food pyramid had white breads at te TOP of the list. BLAH! I love white bread, when I was looking at a roll (hamburger bun) just now, the bag said it had some good stuff in it and had like 0 fat...

What's up with that? I hate weat bread...
well white bread is highly refined which means lots of the good stuff of whole grain bread is taken out. it contains very little fibre and digests really fast so you'll be hungry quicker.
right. good natural sources of carbs contain more protein and fiber than their refined counterparts. a simple way to make good carb choices is to think natural vs refined.

that being said, now and then its ok to have white bread. heck, last night i had some white rice. its not something i eat on a regular basis but its just here and there.
ijt said:
bah, how so.
eating too much of anything makes you fat.
and white bread is so devoid of nutrients, and fiber, that its unfilling, leading you to eat more, and more, and more.
and yes it has more of an insulin reaction to it since it's using refined flour and has 0g of fiber.