Sport Which pre and post workout carbs? (need to gain weight!)

Sport Fitness
Hi -

The situation:

Basically I eat 2925 Calories a day, in 3 meals + 3 snacks.
101g Fat, 247g carbs, 300g protein. It's all healthy (fat == peanut butter, olive oil, nuts || carbs == fruits, veggie, NO junk ever, NO pasta or bread or starches || protein == lean meat, whey)

29yo, 17.5%BF, 70KG, been training for 7 months.
Does 5x/week split, cardio (krav maga) 1x/week.

The problem:
I don't put on weight - staying at 70kg the past 3 weeks.
I am also VERY SLEEPY. I sleep 7.30 minimum per night, and still yawn constantly.

The question:
I considered weight gainner powders like progain - but they are expensive and I'd rather use something more 'natural'. I'm very afraid of carbs like pasta, bread, sugars and what not because I used to be fat and I'm happy with my 'new body'. I get this hunch I need slightly more carbs but I'm not sure.
What should I eat before and after workout carb wise to 'top' the above diet?

Any help would be much appreciated!
You need carbs to build mass man. Pre-workout eat slow digesting carbs like wheat bread. Post workout eat fast like white bread or fruits. The lack of carbs might be making you sleepy. Try this, eat 2 slices of wheat bread 2 hours before you workout and a fruit right after you are done working out with your whey. That is an additional 350ish calories. If you want mass gain, general rule is that your calorie intake must be greater than spent.
btw, I love the mass gain process as I like eating and not feeling hungry or sleepy BUT I do not like losing my definition. Makes it seems like I went backward with all my weight loss. It's frustrating and arward to go from losing weight + BF% to gaining muscle w/ + BF%. Just look at some of the pictures of people here that have done it. They good look before, then yucky once they are done with the mass gain. BUT once they did their cut and diet again... WOW they look amazing and you can see the difference!!!.

I guess like what I am saying is, take 1 step back in order to take 2 step forward.
The best carbs after a workout are high glycemic, because they go right into your muscles at that specific moment. After a workout your body is pumping nutrients to your muscles because of the energy demand. That's why you need a good combination of HG carbs and fast absorbing protein like whey. Try this for post workout meals:

Whey Protein Mix with:
Bananas (HG and high in nutrients)
Berries (high in antioxidants)
Fish oil (powerful for recovery)
Ice cream (high caloric my favorite)
Milk or juice (liquid calories absorbed faster)

Don't forget to eat something 2 to 3 hours before bed time.

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I don't think Bananas are that high GI, they contain quite a bit of fructose. Why not just go for some dextrose or a dextrose/maltodextrin mix?