which is better?

hey im in the weight room twice a day once during school and once after, I weightlift pretty hard and im looking for a muscle building supplement. Ive always known about creatine but i also noticed something called nitro explosion by gmc. each serving of nitro has only 2 g of creatine compared to 5g in straight creatine. Which would you prefer to build muscle faster? My weightlifting partner and i have been weightlifting together for over a year and we always go up are at the same time as far as bench max( 235 ) about a month ago he told me he started to take supplements (creatine) and now he is benching 245! So that basically told me that yea these work. So any information on which product is better would be nice, im kinda leaning towards the nitro explosion. Thanks, clark
Regular creatine monohydrate look for a bottle with creapure on it. All the fancy creatines are a rip off they don't work any better.
thanks for the reply, also i just thought of it , when you reply can you put what supplements you use as far as muscle improvment, it will give me a better picture of what i need
Creatine and Protein shakes are the basics. Everything else comes down to proper nutrition. Supplements are just that, they "supplement" a good eating plan.

you train twice a day? What for?

you body needs to rest dude! Sure take creatine monohydrate (dont bother with any of the fancy stuff) it will help a lil.

But what will help more than anything is some rest. Dont train the same muscle more than twice a week, it need to heal.

If you are able to lift the day after a workout you really cant be training that hard cos it would just be impossible to do.

get a good workout plan where you work each muscle, HARD, twice a week, then you'll start to push the weights up.
heh , my last thread was a question about whether its ok or not to weightlift while having sore muscles..... Its so hard for me to not lift though, my muscles have been sore for like 3 days now in my pecs and shoulders i made them sore on monday and i worked them again today ( while they were sore ).

Yea i take athletic P.E. first hour and then i lift after school, hopefully thats not to much, i usually do a light upper body lift in the morning then a very heavy upper body lift after school, heavy meaning to complete muscle breakdown where i cant lift no more. ON tuesdays i do cardio during the morning and then light lower body after school and then this cycle repeats every other day

So straight creatine would be thr route to go then?
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You should post your routine, i was going to comment on it but your were asking about supplements.
ok on mondays i do light upperbody in the morning and heavy after school, on tuesdays i do cardio then light legs, then i go back and fourth between these every other day.
ok....monday,wendsday and friday morning i usuallly do 4x8 on benching 60% of my max about 150lbs, after that i do arm curls with 25 lbs for 2 sets of 10, then i do lat pull down 2 sets of 10 and then i upward rows for 2 sets of ten.....After school i bench press as much as i can tell complete muscle failure, then i try doing more curls, then i go tell failure on the peck deck and deltoid machine. If im able i will do some incline bench but not usually. On tuesdays, and thursdays i play a game in the morning like basketball, hockey, dogeball ect.....after school i will squat 3 sets of 8, legs curls 2 sets of 10, 100 calf raises, and then bike 10 minutes and do abs for like 5 minutes. I usually work through sore muscles because i really really do not like waiting for them to heal, besides that will make them more stronger when they do heal right? I dont do any lifting during the weekends btw, maybe a little bit of cardio
I don't know what to say about benching twice per day, i wouldn't do it. It might work for an advanced trainee under strict parameters but i don't think you should be doing it.


1. Use bench varations, flat, incline, decline, dips, barbell/dumbells. Try not to do one varation more then twice in a row.

2. Increase your volume on the lat machine to 1 or 2 more sets and again change hand position often and palms out/in, different spacing.

Nothing wrong with working thou soreness but you don't have a very balanced routine. Why don't you go more intense in the mornings? When you get home you should be doing different excercises and different muscle groups.

More is not better.
sorry i was going to stay out of this one but.. i can't . from what i know about the body(which is a fair amount) you are not going to make it heal better and stronger by ripping it apart more when its already sore. actually quite the opposite the constant irriatation will make it less resistant = not the gains you want. correct me if i'm wrong guys but i think i maybe right on on this one.. just from how your bod works on the inside point of view.
Mild soreness is ok but servere is a no no. You also would use common sense. Like i had a sore lower/middle back from deadlifts since monday. Wedesday i went light on hack squats and never done a hip/glute excercise. Today i went heavy with back squats but because of my lower back being sore i never done good mornings.

Going very light (active recovery) on rest days can aid recovery of sore muscles greatly.
"Why don't you go more intense in the mornings? When you get home you should be doing different excercises and different muscle groups."

Well my morning lifting in school is just a weightlifting class, but after school is my football power lifting
also if your in highschool or graduated, you know that all people ask you is how much can you bench and squat