whey protein

Ok i'm noob when it comes to this stuff so take it easy on me :p

I understand that it is good to drink a protein shake right after a workout. Now i usually workout at around 9pm and go to bed at around 11:30ish. Would it be ok to have a protein shake right before bed (after my 9pm workout at around 9:30)? will it be stored as fat? or will it have the same effect as it would if i workout and drink a protein shake at, lets say, 3pm?

thanks in advance!
In short, take it after your workout even if it's at 9 pm or midnight. :)
Can't you take it before your workout or during and it have the same effect?

There are different school of thinking in that but all will say to at least take it after workout. Those that say to take whey before and during training will also suggest taking it after post workout as well. If you are a really hard-gainer (hard to put on muscle b/c of your super metabolism) or just want to put on tons of muscle w/o too concern about adding some extra bodyfat then take it before/ during/ and after.

The logic for taking it prior and during is so that there is fast protein circulating right there for usage as you break down the muscle. Just know that when you take protein while working out, the blood in your body may want to go back into your stomach to digest the food which may led to two things: 1) less of a muscle pump or 2) you may throw up if you are too intense.

The reasoning to take whey WITHIN 30 minutes of finishing working out have to do with the body still being in anarobic (something) and it will absorb into the body that much faster. To be honest, I do not know the exact metabolic pathway that it happens but EVERY text / literature that I've read suggest to take it post workout at the very least (for whey that is). My guess is that when you are done working out, the blood will start leaving your muscle and go back into your stomach to digest stuff so you want whey there to be processed and sent straight to the muscle for usage.

Sorry for the novel. :)