Whey Protein

I'm 15 and I workout 3 days a week in the moring before school. I was wondering what I could do about whey protein. I understand about the differneces with WPI and WPC, but I was wondering if I should consider doing this. It seems that it could be helpful for me. I was also wondering how much I should take a day supplimenting and when I should take it. I wakeup at 530 then start workingout at around 615 until about 7AM. Then I have studyhall at 9AM then lunch at 1030 is another time where I can eat so I don't really know what I should be doing. Then I go to baseball at around 315 until 6ish.

Also how long should 5lbs. last me. I know this question can be very broad depending on how much protein per gram there is and how much I should be taking.

Also what should I mix with the protein shake. Its hard to have a big breakfast but should I eat breakfast before I workout then a whey shake after? Or should I eat an apple or orange in the morning then put some stuff in my shake and have that after I workout. How should I do that.

Thanks for any help.