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It depends on the quality of the whey and how it's processed. I'm on ISAGENIX and the ISALEAN WHEY does not make me bloat and it also assist in excellent lean muscle mass.
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I also posted an excellent article on Cleansing. This will allow you to shead excess body fat while getting your body right.
See article below and good luck PM me if you have more questions...
Cleansing; Achieving Results When Other Methods Are Not Working
By Susan Sly BSc, CPT, LWMC
Many people embark on a diet or exercise program only to confront disappointment through lack of results. This can often be apparent when the individual is following a program diligently and not seeing improvement. What ensues is frustration and a sense of disappointment and even acceptance that their body is not going to change. Generally it is not the program but the individual. I tell my clients that if their body is ready to lose weight, it will.
Lisa*, a client of mine in her forties had always had the perfect figure. In her thirties she began to gain weight around her midsection on the hips and waist. Lisa* had always followed a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. She exercised four times per week and additionally played tennis.
When Lisa* turned forty her weight was about fifteen pounds greater than in her twenties. Her energy was sporadic, her moods fluctuated, her skin was dull and she suffered from numerous aches and pains in her body. The program Lisa* was following would have helped many people transform their body but for Lisa* the results were modest.
After several months on a structured eating and exercise plan we decided upon a cleanse. Following three cleansing cycles Lisa* had lost fifteen pounds. She was the same weight she had been in her twenties. Her energy was improved and she was not suffering from mood swings.
Lisa’s* skin became clear and bright and her aches and pains disappeared. Her healthy diet now sustained her new weight and she was able to exercise pain free.
Proceeding the cleanse Lisa* embarked on a maintenance program of lean proteins, vegetables and fruits and a supplemental shake with 70 nutrients. Today, Lisa* looks and feels fantastic. She returns to one cleansing cycle every one to two months as the stressors in her life are constant. Her story is an illustration of how a cleanse can help someone overcome a hurdle and regain their health.
In his recent, highly acclaimed book, author John Gray (Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution) shared his own personal battle with weight loss and health. He has suffered for years with allergies and excess weight. Despite diets and exercise he had always been unable to permanently change his body. A visit to Mexico and an intensive cleanse helped to rid him of allergy symptoms and lose the weight.
Gray advises that the cleanse he followed is not feasible for everyone. Although he advocates cleansing and detoxifying the body to eliminate toxins, balance hormones and lose weight, he suggests finding a regime that is simple and effective. Gray also cites research indicating that regular cleansing can improve mood, increase energy, allow for weight loss, reduce stress and allow the body to heal itself.
Over the course of time the human body is exposed to many toxins. There are pollutants in the air we breathe, chemicals in the food we eat, there is oxidation when we exercise or are stressed. The body essentially begins to break down from birth.
Diseases such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, overuse injuries and even obesity can be the result of poor eating habits, lack of exercise, poor coping mechanisms for stress and even genetics. In a study done by the World Cancer Research Fund it was determined that 30-40% of all cancers were preventable from diet. There are numerous studies supporting diet as a seamlessly preventable modality for many diseases.
Gray, feels that it is not so simple. In his book he poses the question that if diet were applicable to all people then why do some gain and others lose on identical regimes? Many factors determine an individual’s ability to lose or gain weight. These include genetics, activity level, disease state, diet, stress, occupation and so forth. The one constant is that as long as we breathe, we are exposed to toxins. Overtime these toxins can accumulate and may reduce an individual’s ability to convert food to useable energy and instead store it.
Two key components of our health are the liver and the blood or circulatory system. The liver is responsible for fat metabolism, carbohydrate conversion, pairing up of oxidative substances with anti-oxidants, production of bile and conversion of thyroid hormone. The liver weighs approximately four pounds and can be regenerated to a certain extent. When the liver is overstressed it can convert food more easily to fat, impede blood sugar function and impair thyroid hormone synthesis. To maintain health it is imperative that we periodically detoxify the liver.
Blood is composed of four components: plasma, red and white blood cells and platelets. Red blood cells transport oxygen to various parts of the body. Platelets are required for proper clotting. White blood cells destroy disease, virus and infections. Plasma is the medium which sustains the other blood components.
Blood also transports nutrients to cells and carries away wastes. Hormones are transported to the endocrine system via the blood stream. Acids, bases, salts and water are also regulated through the blood. If any of the functions are stressed the direct consequence is poor health.
Blood can become ‘toxic’ due to chemicals and toxic metals found in foods, exposure to noxious substances, water and air. Blood may also lack nutrients and thus lead to illness. An example of this would be iron deficiency or anemia.
Blood detoxification can be achieved by drawing toxins out of the body and adding nutrients that contribute to excellent health. Blood purification does require a fast and thus it is essential to conserve energy at that time. While on the fast it is important to consume at least eight glasses of purified water per day to aid in flushing out the system. Additionally, after the cleanse is finished it is essential to avoid white flour and sugar, food additives and pesticides. These can undo all of the good that is accomplished by a cleanse.
Detoxifying substances to note are aloe, suma, pau d’arco, fennel, burdock and licorice. Lemon, milk thistle and dandelion are also very good. I caution that purchasing all of the above substances in pill form is only going to cause distress to the body. If you can find an all-in-one cleanse I strongly urge you to use it. In the long run it is less expensive and easier to follow.
If the body is functioning optimally we are not tired, we maintain a healthy weight, we sleep better, we combat disease and achieve true vitality. The cleanse is a worthwhile endeavor if you are not seeing the results you want. If you are having difficulty losing weight, feeling tired and sluggish, have sleep problems, feel aches and pains, suffer from headaches, muscle stiffness, bloating, constipation, allergies, yeast infections, difficulty concentrating, depression, moodiness, pms, hot flashes and many numerous other disease states a cleanse may help.
Although the cleanse is not a substitute for regular exercise and a healthy diet it may help you improve your ability to lose body fat and keep it off. Cleansing may also help with certain disease states. When your body is free of toxins it has a better ability to fight off illness.
There are various home made cleanses that you can prepare. I do not advocate this as availability of ingredients and effectiveness is not reliable. I have personally used the regime that John Gray recommends. It is produced by a company called Isagenix. I was personally impressed with the research and the ingredient list of the products and found it much easier than preparing my own tinctures.
The cleansing program can be ordered from:
This company also has several success stories at
If you are suffering from a diagnosed illness you should consult a medical professional before embarking on any dietary program. Ask your health care professional about their experience and education in nutrition. If it is limited find someone with the knowledge you deserve.
1. Diet, Nutrition and Cancer Prevention: Where Are We Going from Here?
Vay Liang W. Go2, Debra A. Wong and Ritva Butrum*
UCLA Center for Human Nutrition, Los Angeles, CA and * American Institute for Cancer Research, Washington, DC.
2. Prescription for Nutritional Healing
James Balch, MD, Phyllis Balch, CNC
1997, Avery Publishing Group
3. Clinical Human Nutrition
Dr. Laz Bannock
2001, Human Nutrition