whey protein vs soy protein ?

whey is much more pure a protein than soy. whey is better.
whey is not more pure than soy.

whey is generally more tolerated by the gut....many people get bloated and gassy on soy.

soy is arguably a complete protein source...but too much research contradicts other research, so until they figure out whether soy causes, or reduces cancer...increases or decreases estrogen and testosterone....I tend to avoid it.
I still eat morningstar sausage, but only a little, and not daily.

i would not advise only drinking soy milk, and I don't even suggest soy protein powder to women. a quality whey or whey blend is better.

if you have lactose intolerance, seek out a whey that's lactose free, rather than trying soy to see if it works.
From every source I've read that didn't look sketchy, yes parts of the soy protein do get converted to strogen but you get healthy benefits concerning cholesterol and such but none of the negative parts of it. It has something to do with how it reacts to certain tissues. So, unless you're allergic to it, it probably won't hurt you.

Whey protein is protein it's purest form.. have you considered whey instead?

thats why i thought so...
Is it okay for me to drink soy protein once or twice a month? Sometimes when I want to go to the gym with my friends after work i forget to take my whey protein powder so I can mix it at work and i have to go to my local food store and pick up a shake that is made from soy protein.
That's fine, it's not like its Satan or anything - the most important thing is that you ARE getting your protein in more than anything.
Is it okay for me to drink soy protein once or twice a month? Sometimes when I want to go to the gym with my friends after work i forget to take my whey protein powder so I can mix it at work and i have to go to my local food store and pick up a shake that is made from soy protein.

Just get a thing of low/no fat choc milk and chug it.