Whey Protein Virgin


I have been weight training now for about 3 months and have just bought some whey protein to use in conjunction with my training in the hope that it will help aid in muscle growth. I would like to know people's views on the most effective time to ingest the protein as it seems that everyone I talk to has different opinions. At this stage I am thinking of having it with low fat milk about 30 minutes before I train. Does this sound right......any suggestions welcome


I like to have a shot of protein right in the morning, and then 4 more through the course of the day. In between meals, right after a workout, and right before i go to bed. Doesnt really matter when you take it, just Id recommend taking it right after you workout. The rest of the time, Id try to make so everytime you eat, your at least gettin 40gs of protein per meal. seeya! :)