Whey Protein Side Effects?

Are there any negative aspects I should be aware of when taking whey protein? I have been told by several people that Whey protein may cause breakouts (like zits and such).

I mean, I'm not totally vain but I'm just curious if this is true...

Or, are there any other secondary negative side effects affiliated with taking whey protein?
There are no side affects unless you personally don't react to dairy well.

Whey is a deritative of milk.
as long as its quality whey, the lactose intolerance issue is the only real negative.

If you stick to known, established brands like ON or AtLarge, you won't be risking 'dodgey additives' that could cause you a problem.
The only thing I've experienced is a little bloating but Malkore is right on with his post.

Other than that I get a major energy boost from it.
If you take in a good amount every day it will give u gas, LOL. Not trying to joke but for real u can clear out buildings