Sport whey protein shake

Sport Fitness
I was wondering if the only time I should have a whey protein shake is after a workout, or can I have one at any point in the day if i need some more protein? I read somewhere that at other points in the day you need a slow release protein or something, but I kind of want one now.
I have a shake with one scoop in the morning and two scoops post workout. Slow releasing protein is best taken before bed e.g cottage cheese because of the casein content.
just limit it to 2 shakes a day, max. most of your nutrition should come from whole foods. shakes can be a convenient snack, when paired with nuts, or a fruit.
I was wondering if the only time I should have a whey protein shake is after a workout, or can I have one at any point in the day if i need some more protein? I read somewhere that at other points in the day you need a slow release protein or something, but I kind of want one now.

I agree with malkore - most of your protien needs can easily be met by food if you eat properly. In which case, shakes are simply relevant from an convenience point of view. And, some studies suggest you don't even need a heck of a lot of protien ( as you find in most protien shakes ) after a workout, so if anything the greater emphasis should be on carbs post-workout as opposed to carbs.

btw ...

- What is your age, height and weight ?

- How often do you weight train / cardio train per week and for how long ?
18, 5'7, 123

I weight train three times a week doing full body workouts which last between an hour and an hour and fifteen minutes. Sometimes I'll do like 15 minutes of cardio afterwards if I'm up to the task, but I've cut most cardio out of my routine since I'm on a bulk.