Sport whey this considered meat?

Sport Fitness
might be an odd question, but for new years (chinese) im going to be a vegetarien for a month. And im pretty used to drinking these shakes and im not sure if the concentrate of red meat is actually considered meat. I konw there are probably a couple vegetarians out there so any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks dave
Whey Protein is from Milk..

Vegetarian Sources of Protein.

Soyfoods (tofu, tempeh, TVP, soy milk, "new generation" soyfoods such as "soysage", ready-grounds, etc)

Beans & legumes (chickpeas, black beans, lentils, kidney beans, ad infinitum), especially in combo with whole grains

Nuts & seeds (including nut butters)

Seitan (wheat gluten)

i found this on