whey protein building upper body reducing lower body?

So i bought some whey protein today from champion nutrition.
I am currently trying to get larger shoulders and chests while reducing fat and size in my butt and thighs.
I lift upper body almost everyday and run for a bout 30 minutes a day 4 times a week.
My question is if I take the supplement, can i achieve the results I'm looking for?
I'm worried that by taking the whey protein, my lower body will develop from running.

I think you should be fine. Have you ever seen any bulky marathon runners? Sprinters yes, where it takes a lot of power to accelerate so fast, but longer distance running will not add bulk to your lower body. The protein will help you build the muscles you're doing the strength training on.
Your program sucks. Sorry, but it does. You can't train upper body every day. You do NOT grow in the gym...you grow after, during recovery. And if you do upper body daily, you're NEVER RECOVERING.

2nd, your plan is flawed, you can't bulk up and lose fat. They are completely opposite goals.

3rd, you're not training your lower body at all. running builds next to no muscle mass. and training like this builds muscle imbalances (and a VERY weak lower back) which is nearly guaranteed to lead to injuries in the future.

what you need to do is weight train the entire body, and give yourself 2 days rest before you work a muscle again.
eat right, and make sure you get plenty of protein.

train those legs! SQuats, deadlifts, lunges...the works! Nothing looks worse than someone with decent upper body, and pencil legs.
I see. The thing is my lower body is pretty fit already from explosion sports such as basketball and football.
My upper body is very skinny though.
I guess I do lift lower body just very very light squats, hamstrings curls, and lunges.
My main focus is I want bigger broader shoulders
The person I lift with lifts everyday and his results have been tremendous.
He also lifts upper body everyday and I was pretty following him.
Is a 24 hour time frame not long enough to rest?

My question is if I take the supplement, can i achieve the results I'm looking for?

No, basically.

Whey protein is just a suppliment to help you add protein to your diet, it won't perform any miracles. If you want to add muscle then you need to train for it.
A protein suppliment to your diet may help that process but it's far easier to build muscle with good training and no suppliments than it is with crappy training and good suppliments.

IMO you need to get your diet down first, then training, then rest and once you have those three sorted and you're making progress, think about what suppliments you might need to take. Otherwise you'll end up doing what most others do and spend a ton of money of stuff you're just crapping out the other end.
48 hours.

If you did upper body Monday, don't do it again until Wednesday. And don't train it more than 3x per week.