whey once a day?

probably answer my own question here but,
my EAS whey protein is quite expensive for me, instead of two servings a day, will taking one still help?
i`m still eating my chicken fish cottage cheese each day.
i`m guessing one serving of whey is still better than none.
any thought, thanks
It will be ok but wont be your best amount to take. Take it after workouts and make sure your meals have protein :)
All whey is, is a supplement to meet your required daily protein.

As long as your meeting you target protein intake, it doesn't matter whether your having one, or three shakes a day.
I get EAS whey at Sams Club. It's a huge bag for like $25.

Or, I used to use the GNC brand. Every so often they'll have a buy one get one free sale or something like that. The gold card discount helped too.

However, as long as you're eating enough protein, there's no need to load up on whey.
If you think whey is more expensive than chicken breast, you're buying it from the wrong store.

Whey should be 50 cents per 25gram serving. Much more than that, and you're being taken for a ride.
there are only a few stores which have whey products, and a 900g tub cost £25, or $38, which every 17/18 days is a bit pricey for me!
thanks for the responses so far.
ahh, your location of 'the original jersey' didn't make me think "England". your prices will be a little different, but you'll still save money if you buy from an online UK vendor vs. little shops.

GNC is a huge chain (do you have those there?) and their price is almost double what I can pay for the same brand online, even with shipping charges. you might use the forums search for UK stores...I know we have several UK members that have found good prices on whey.

However, whey is just protein. whether you get it from whey, chicken, cottage cheese, egg whites, steak...doesn't matter so much as long as you're getting consistent amount of protein. you want roughly 1gram of protein per pound of body weight...which I think is like .4grams per kilogram of bodyweight for you metric users. :)
How about ordering a product off the internet? IDK how much sipping would be to the UK, but I believe you can get Optimum Nutrition whey for about $25 per 2 lb container online. At least it's a bit cheaper than what you're paying right now :)
Once a day, post workout is perfect. that is all I take. On none workout day, I don't even take whey atm.

Btw, EAS whey have tons of Cholersterol. I drink Opitinum Nutrition (ON) and buy it at bodybuilding.com. 4 or 5 lbs container only costs me $42 or $45.
Yes once a day forsure, i sometimes will take it 2 times if i need a snack or have been working hard.