Whey Hydrolysate?

I just read an article over at T-Nation about post workout nutrition and learned some new stuff as always. I read about how whey hydrolysate works better than whey isolate, and they recomended a product call biotest Surge. I was just wondering if anybody had any experiance with this stuff before and if its worth buying. It is pretty expensive for the little amount given. If you know any other why hydrolysate protein powders feel free to list them
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Isn't it kinda funny that articles recommend "something better" and that "something better" is usually an expensive supplement? Even ordinary whey is just a supplement. Get your protein from natural sources as much as possible IMHO.
I just read an article over at T-Nation about post workout nutrition and learned some new stuff as always. I read about how whey hydrolysate works better than whey isolate, and they recomended a product call biotest Surge. I was just wondering if anybody had any experiance with this stuff before and if its worth buying. It is pretty expensive for the little amount given. If you know any other why hydrolysate protein powders feel free to list them

It is better for them.. because they will make money of it
My optimum nutrition 100% gold standard is hydro whey

Good stuff, quite cheap too.