Whey Gold Standard

I just bought this brand of whey for the first time and I must say it is really good..The only problem I had was that it was like a bad of chips in that there was so much empty space inside. Anyone else had this problem? It does come out to 2 pounds though right?
Yeah, all mine are like that so i'd imagine they'd measure out correctly.

I love Optimum Nutrion's Whey which I buy at bodybuilding.com. They are pretty inexpensive compared to GNC. 5 lbs run me about $45 w/o shipping and ~50 with but I order other stuff as well. Btw, they sell variety packs for flavor sampling and I personally have ordered over 30 lbs of mochachino whey flavored in the last year.

Wow, that sound like a paid advertisement but I like to share good products, that's all.
hey guys

I hear ya about buying optimum nutrition from bodybuilding.com. I actually recently switched to benchnutrition.com . They are having a grand opening promo code that gives you a discount on all products that they have. I hope this post helps!
Has anyone tried the ON gold standard with the yellow label, the one with sugar not artificial sweetenersÉ