Whey Flavor Comparison

Tony's thread got me thinking about this.

I'm gonna be getting some protein for the summer, but a large shipment, it's either gonna be ON chocolate or cytosport complete whey chocolate cocoa bean.

Has anyone tried both? I've had ON, but it was a long while ago, and I don't remember if it was chocolate. So any flavorful suggestions/recommendations would be great, thanks.
I'm currently on the ON pro-complex in chocolate. I think its one fo the better tasting ones out there, plus its good nutrition-wise.

you might look at Nitrean by atlargenutrition.com - good nutrition profile and is supposedly one of the very best tasting powders around. Many people say the vanilla is better than the chocolate, and i often find other vanillas to be the worst flavor.
Yeah I've checked out the nitrean before, but it looks a little expensive for less than 5 lbs.

I was comparing those other two because they are 10 pounders, and kinda similar, except ON is in a bag, which could get messy.
AJP said:
Yeah I've checked out the nitrean before, but it looks a little expensive for less than 5 lbs.

I was comparing those other two because they are 10 pounders, and kinda similar, except ON is in a bag, which could get messy.
Best thing to do with ON is put it in tupperwear containers that you can just take with you for the day.

That's what I used to do when I used ON and it worked pretty well.
AJP said:
I was comparing those other two because they are 10 pounders, and kinda similar, except ON is in a bag, which could get messy.

A bag? WTF. What are we taking, garden mulch! I was gonna get the ON 10lb but I prefer the tub.