Where would you go in a time machine?

If you had a time machine and could go to any point in the past or future, to where and when would you go?

For me, I think I'd go to Chicago in the days of Al Capone as it's my hometown and I always imagine what it was like then. Or to Saigon in 1967. Or Rome during the Roman Empire.
For me, I think I'd go to Chicago in the days of Al Capone as it's my hometown and I always imagine what it was like then. Or to Saigon in 1967. Or Rome during the Roman Empire.
Who says that Capone would have been on "your side", you could be one of those victims of the mob violence. In Rome you might have been one of those in the Arena to fight to death or to face hungry lions. The past was not written in stone.
For me I would like to see what happens in the next 20-25 years. Will there be any world wars? Will the world run out of oil? Global warming etc
I would go to Jerusalem to the time jesus was alive! then i would go into th future year and grab some of the lyrics to famous songs and popular buisnes ideas and take them back with me :p
I'd go back to the year 1337 and point and laugh at everything :D

Other than that I'd go 10000 years into the future to see if man is still there, and if they are, how far they have developed.
Who says that Capone would have been on "your side", you could be one of those victims of the mob violence. In Rome you might have been one of those in the Arena to fight to death or to face hungry lions. The past was not written in stone.

Time travel tho is so impossible...
leet means elite. When internet nerds see that number, they get all "OMG!" same with 69. For example, if someone has 69 or 1337 rep, posts count, days on forum, etc,etc..
Id go 500 years in front.

And bring back with me clothes (imagine what they would look like)
Write down all the major inventions and discoveries
Maybe they will "have the theory for everything"
And write down the millionair winning balls..
I'd go to some crazy year in the future, like Karks said. Any future too soon and I'd be too tempted to see what I or my decendents were up to. Wouldn't want that.

That, or I'd like to watch a quick montage of the universe from start to finish.
I would go to space, or Mars, and see what time it is there.

What is a time machine again????

I would go back to see dinosaurs. I wonder if I could club a pterodactyl for dinner.

I don't know about going to the future. I like not knowing how things are going to work out.
1. Go back in time to the Golden Age of Islam.
2. Travel forth in time 100,000 thousand years, see if humans still exist or if they have "evolved"
3. Travel 100 years in the future from today to see my great grandkids and descendants.
When i think about it go back and change some stuff i did in life as well and probly visit some people who died in my family when i was real young and dont really know
See some dinosaurs, party with the Romans, kick it with Jesus and Abraham Lincoln, and party with Elvis. Not because I like his music, but he had all the chicks.
See some dinosaurs, party with the Romans, kick it with Jesus and Abraham Lincoln, and party with Elvis. Not because I like his music, but he had all the chicks.

I'm with you on Lincoln ( actually, been reading David Donald's bio on Lincoln all this Xmas holiday ).

That said, I'd love to go back to Thursday, November 19, 1863 and hear Lincoln speak.