where did u guys get your squat rack?

for those of us who have our equipment at our houses, where did you guys get your squat rack and how much did it cost??? the cheapest one i can find is 130 BUX!!! i didnt get one for christmas and i dont have that kind of money! and im not a carpenter so i cant really build myself one. what the heck should i do??? (im still doing squats but im using a ladder and a tall dresser as my squat rack. nice, huh? -_-)
I built mine myself, I have built a couple for others as well, go round some gyms and ask if they know where you can get a cheap one they might know of one laying around. Also try internet auctions. Theres always something laying around somewhere.
k, il keep my eyes open guys thanks
but for ebay, doesnt it have to b a in-state auction? kuz how are you ganna ship a squat rack >.> thatd cost a lot XD
Great question. Pretty soon, before February, I plan on getting a squat rack. I can't get a cage because my basement isn't that high ceiling wise. I've been looking around and found one for 120 on amazon. That might be where I end up getting it. But if I find them somewhere else, I'll let you know.
i cant get a cage kuz theyr huge beasts. that wont fit in my room OR my garage. -_- no basements in florida. i want to be able to buy it myself(pfff yea right) kuz i dont wanna pressure my dad into buying one for 130 bux
>( especially after christmas
Fitness factory, for $349, free shipping.

I've seen some decent ones for $299 and you could build your own for less.

Where abouts in FL?

Here's some postings in Miami:

(you'll want a new bar as that one looks bent).

Try to add an additional $150 for something of worth:
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I got a cage used from a guy here in town. It was 83 1/2" tall. My cieling in the basement is one ince taller. It was very very close. :) I got lucky, I got it, (looks new) 300 lbs of standard weights, two benches, two strait bars, one ez curl bar, and another strange bar all for $150. Before That I watched the paper pretty closely.

yeah i got mine on craigslist also.. i live in tucson but sometimes buy equipment in phoenix (about 1.5 hrs away) if its a good deal