where are all the yogis?

I see no one has posted in the yoga forum for a while so I thought I'd start a new one. Do you do yoga? Do you want to start? Who thinks that Yoga is too easy or not a good workout? If this is your impression you are mistaken. You can lose weight through yoga, and gain strength along with countless other things. I love it. Please try.

too easy! ha!

I recently started yoga. I have the dvd Basics Beginning Yoga for Dummies. IMO, it's the bomb when it comes to starting yoga (if you can't go to classes). It shows you the 12 basic yoga poses and how to do them. Some of the poses can be tricky but do the best you can. I would suggest getting a yoga mat (even though I don't have one yet). If you can't afford one then maybe a towel on the floor...:D

Another yoga dvd that was recommended to me was AM/PM yoga. That looks xcellent but I chose my dvd because I knew nothing about yoga. They also have Weight-Loss Yoga for Dummies but I don't know much about it.

Just look around on the internet and see what's out there. If your local video store has them to rent, try that first. You tube has some video clips of yoga but again not sure about them. Go to the local book store and read little bit about it.
hey there She47441-- the downward dog is a fantastic pose and breathing is key... remember that yoga is about the center, it is about the spirit, it is about THE BREATH. downward dog is in the hamstrings and hips mechanically, but in the breath for meditative purpose. i saw in your diary.... Once you get past watchign the DVD, and get to just "practicing" your time "away" will become a onder of its very own...... imho

Some of the poses are harder than others for me (i.e. downward dog, the tree and one more but can't think of it) but all in all I like yoga in general. I'm glad I picked up the video.
My sister does yoga, and sometimes I do it with her. She has the mat, the ball, etc. We have HBO on Demand, so we watch those channels where they play the yoga videos. I wouldn't call it easy, but it is something I like to do when I want to relax :cool: