When to take supplements throughout the day?

Hey guys, I've recently added a slew of pills to my daily supplements.

Total I take:
Protein Shake 36-48 g of protein (depending on my workout plan)
Weight Gainer 53 g of protein, 600 cal
Omega Complex Fatty Acid pills ("3 daily with meals")
Mega Men Sport Multivitamins ("2 daily with food")
Glutamine pills (2 after every workout)

I take the protein shake right after workouts along with the Glutamine. The weight gainer, fatty acid pills, and multivitamins I take all at lunch.

I was wondering what is the best way to take these vitamins? Is it okay to take all my fatty acid pills and multivitamins at lunch (5 pills total)? My friend said it's better to take the three fatty acid pills throughout the day.

What do you think? Thanks.
If your goal is to lower your bodyfat percentage, you probably don't need a weight gainer. I also don't think you need the gluatamine pills.
holabuster said:
I was wondering what is the best way to take these vitamins?

the best way is to take them in your hand and throw them in the bin.

Have you tried eatting properly? whats the point in drinking protien shakes after a workout, when your not getting any real food, you need carbs and vitamins as well.
Are your comments based on thinking that this is all i eat in a day? Cause it is far from it.

My goal is first to bulk up to 160 then to start cutting in about a month.

Of course i eat lots of real food with plenty of carbs. Plus, didn't I just mention I ate vitamins? I'm kinda confused by your comment manofkent.
All of that stuff you can get from natrual food, a HEALTHY diet would contain foods with that in it.

I think that's his point. If it's not his, it's mine.
holabuster said:
I was wondering what is the best way to take these vitamins? Is it okay to take all my fatty acid pills and multivitamins at lunch (5 pills total)? My friend said it's better to take the three fatty acid pills throughout the day.

What do you think? Thanks.
most seperate their multi's and take one with one meal and the other with another meal.
Okay, good idea.

How can I get glutamine from natural food? What foods should I look to for omega fatty acids? Any suggestions?
I don't think you need to supp glutamine, it's just one amino acid. And you can get omega's from fish and nuts.
i agree with mriek, you can pretty much drop the glutamine. glutamine is really only benefical to those with digestive problems and those in a catabolic state.