When to take protien...

I drink a whey shake every day since I'm not even close to 160 grams of protein a day even with the shake.
i dont drink any shakes but i get around 120-150g of protein a day just have 6 meals a day and incorporating foods in each of them that are high in protein. but if ur looking to bulk yea rest days u should be getting in as much protein as possible too. i think thats how it is even if ur just toning. ask spock or mreik or fil they no a ****load more than most of us.
Short answer...A gram of protien per body weight per day everyday. Spead it out though...150 grams in one meal will do you no good.
you should eat protein with every meal, but the main times to eat the most are:

before workout
after workout
before bread
I do primarily cardio exercise, with just bodyweight exercises about 3 times a week. Is Whey protein nessary, or is this more for people who do weight lifting. If it is needed, should I be taking it before or after my cardio workout.
I think this could still be a controversial subject, this is because when you take whey it takes 30min to be absorbed and 120min to breakdown. after this it's distributed to the cells among other things. when you workout your cells are in need of nutrients during the workout and a short time after, around 30-60 min after. as you can see taking the whey after misses the window by 90min. workouts should not last more than 45-60 min so if you take the whey at least 40-30 min before your workout would should better utilize this suppliement. although there is still much benifit from doing this after a workout as well, in replenishing your body's stores, among other things.
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Ok lets say I do take it before hand. Does it make any sense for me to take it at all for primarily cardio workouts?
Brett P. said:
I do primarily cardio exercise, with just bodyweight exercises about 3 times a week. Is Whey protein nessary, or is this more for people who do weight lifting. If it is needed, should I be taking it before or after my cardio workout.
You might look into taking an amino acid complex instead to help prevent the catabolism of your muscles. During endurance exercise your muscle breaks down to release 3 key energy-producing aminos. If you get these aminos "pre-digested" (i.e., in free, available form) your body will absorb these aminos in the gut and instenstines rather than by breaking down muscle cells.
phaledax said:
when you take whey it takes 30min to be absorbed and 120min to breakdown. after this it's distributed to the cells among other things. when you workout your cells are in need of nutrients during the workout and a short time after, around 30-60 min after. as you can see taking the whey after misses the window by 90min. workouts should not last more than 45-60 min so if you take the whey at least 40-30 min before your workout would should better utilize this suppliement. although there is still much benifit from doing this after a workout as well, in replenishing your body's stores, among other things.
I thought whey was utilized much more quickly than that - I'm curious about what research talks about this. Do you happen to know the study?

Note also that protein is THE key element in rebuilding tissues and muscle matter - much of which happens during sleep and throughout longer rest periods. So your daily protein intake (rather than when in the day you take it) shouldn't be understated.
Ive seen a few charts that told me about the time it takes to be Utilized by the body, and then ive read about nutritional needs of the body after workout. I just put the two together. I have not found the exact studies I was looking for, but here are some that around what im talking about:

but mostly I find articals on topics that are pritty close to what im talking about.
here are some places I generaly search at: ill limit them to ones I would possably use to look for the right studies or related articals.

I don't have time to find it but if I do ill send ya a PM