When to mix protein, malto, dextrose

Does it matter if I mix my shakes a few days in advance? I am using water, whey, dextrose, and malto in a 2:1 carb to protein ratio.

The reason that I ask is because I remember reading that when you mix creatine with your shake, you should drink it within 20 min if I remember right. Im not taking creatine, I was just using that as an example and wondering if this applied to what Im taking at all.

Although you said creatine is not used here I remember reading somewhere about mixing creatine and some juice which creates creatinine which the body cannot use(rendering your creatine useless).

I don't know how you selected that mix i.e. whey, maltose and dextrose or your overall diet but that seems to be too much trouble IMO. I would go with the guys who want to snack on some nuts rather than what you are doing.
I work 24 on and 48 off so I would be making them about a day in advance. Its just easier if I can make them at home and pack them instead of making them just before I leave work to go to the gym. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't shooting myself in the foot by doing so
Do you not have some kind of shaker container of some sort? I actually use a Hidden Valley Ranch shaker, that has a little spoked wheel in it to help blend things up. Anyways, if you have one, just put in your dex and whey, and add the water when you get into the gym...just a thought.
My experience with whey is...it's disgusting after 10+ hours. It basically becomes coagulated and sour...but I use milk (and I do keep it cool). Your best bet is to get a shaker cup, put all your dry ingredients in (malt, whey) and add the water right as you're about to drink. Your gym should have a drinking fountain or whatever.
I would put all my powders in a container, and then just add the water when I was ready to drink it.

If you've ever left a protein shake sit mixed for a while...ick.