I don't feel its ever a wise idea to workout in a fasted state, but particularly avoid weight training. After sleeping 8 hours, you're fasted...you're almost guaranteed to be entering a catabolic (muscle wasting) state. The last thing you should do is skip breakfast and go lift.
try to be up an hour before you go to the gym, an knock back egg whites and some oatmeal, or a shake and oatmeal.
immediately post workout, you need to eat again, preferably a fast digesting protein, and simple carbs (thus a whey + dextrose shake is about perfect here).
If it were me, personally, on your schedule, I'd get up, eat, then hit the gym 45 mins later. knock back my shake afterwards. and then an hour later, eat another whole food, protein + carbs meal. then for the rest of the day I'd eat protein + fats, and tons of veggies....but no more starchy or sugary carbs. That's how I'd go about cutting....by reducing calories through restricted starchy carbs.