Sport When to eat carbs...

Sport Fitness
I workout either 6-8.30 or 7-9.30 at night.

I eat porridge (oatmeal) or a musli based cereal for breakfast and an oat based homemade protein bar before workout, but want to know when i should be eating carbs and how big the portions should be.

Ive cut out eating mid night cereal but should i be eating carbs post workout at night? my main aims are fat loss/toning. I really need to burn bum-fat and the bit at bottom of the abs, otherwise im thin and athletic.

lunch is the killer meal as i get hungry in the afternoon and pre workout. i try to have soup or tuna but its hard to cut out the carbs?

also, are carb cravings a real problem?? i think that was what induced the cereal binges.

thanls everyone

yes, do get your carbs, along with protein, in after training. theres no need to cut carb down so much. make sure you have them before training to fuel the workout or else your performance could suffer
thanks for the reply, thats reassuring.

I just discovered roasted sweet potato - who needs chocolate!

I have my oaty protein bar before training; i was always under the impression that the more i eat before training, the less fat i will burn off instead. is this true???
If it's white pasta and white noodles that you're cutting out or cutting down on, i commend you.

still, i try to eat more fruits and vegetables.......
white pasta, white noodles, white bread, any sort of pastry, aaarggghhh!!

the only carbs i do eat (aside from breakfast) are a slice of granary/wholemeal bread with soup (and then not always) wholemeal pitta with tuna and some occasional potatoes, plus all the fruit and veg i can get my hands on. It makes eating with other people very hard. i need to convert the family to sweet potatoes and brown rice but its difficult making someone else fit in with my routine.

Also, how many grams of carbs should a person eat per day? everyone always discusses fat and protein in form of grams/day but not carbs??

Are baked beans an over-carby post WO meal?
