Sport when to drink whey shakes?

Sport Fitness
I am currently taking six-star brand whey shakes (20 g protein per scoop, 2 scoops per shake) twice a day. The instructions say to take 3 shakes per day at any time (2 scoops per shake), but I'm skeptical because they may just be saying that so you go through the whey faster and have to buy more (which means more $$$ for them). I usually get about 165-180g total protein a day if I drink three shakes (I am 6'4, 175). I also get protein from other sources (i.e. tuna, boiled eggs, usually beef or chicken for dinner).

Anyway, what would you guys recommend if I want to gain more muscle and get stronger?

And when is the best time to drink the shakes? Before and after workout? or does it really matter? Thanks for the help.
You are right in thinking their lable just wants you to use more product.

protein powder isn't 100% necessary. If you can get enough protein in whole foods, the powder isn't needed.
but its usually easier to get one or two servings of protein from a shake. especially post workout because fast digesting protein is ideal at that time.
How many grams of protein/carbs should one get postworkout in a shake to supply muscles for max. growth?

Over/under 30g?
How many grams of protein/carbs should one get postworkout in a shake to supply muscles for max. growth?

Over/under 30g?

the protein amount should be low (unless you have a REALLY pure hydrolyzed protein). I'm talking 15 g or so...this is because most whey proteins out there will take more than an hour to digest and your body doesn't crave the craves sugar. Simple sugars should be high. You may also want to add creatine and l-glutamine. Post workout should be just about the same as the pre workout.

Evidently, when it comes to getting big, the pre workout meal will be more important.
Dr. Berardi says: 0.8g/kg (of lean mass) simply carbs and 0.4g/kg (of lean mass) protein

I'm about 70kg. So my shake would be 56g of carbs and 28g of protein (and 5g of creatine cuz I use it).
Okay cool. I'm fine with the protein part, but I'm carb-cycling and on low days, I'm trying to take in only about 100g for the day.

What's in your PWO shake malkore? Could you prescribe something for me?

And also, where would I get my simple sugars from in the shake tri?
my PWO is Nitrean protein powder, and pure dextrose. if I have room for calories, I make it with skim milk...otherwise its water.

if you're really watching carbs, you could do this way instead
Sip 0.4g/kg carbohydrate and 0.2g/kg protein dissolved in 0.5L of water during exercise.

then eat a normal whole food meal 60 mins after your workout. steak, veggies, some healthy fat....something like that.

I get dextrose locally at a home brewing shop (make your own beer). Dextrose, aka corn sugar, is used in beer making. I get 5lbs for $4 and that lasts me a while.
and its pure sugar, so if you weigh out 20g of corn sugar, that's 20g of carbs.

FYI a 70cc protein scoop holds about 45g of dextrose.
Along with malkore's advice, I'd advise sticking a 1scoop shake right when you wake in the morning, along with your normal breakfast.
I was thinking a PWO shake made of more easy to come by materials for me, i.e. whey, fruit, skim milk for the best 2:1 ratio of carb: protein.

Any suggestions of the best solution?

I went to 4 places (including GNC, vitamin shoppe, and 2 health stores near) and none of them have Dextrose.
fruit (fructose) can be used in a pinch but it has to be processed by the liver before it can be converted to glycogen.

dextrose can immediately be converted to glycogen and is therefor preferred for speedy recovery of glycogen.
yeah, fruit is not a good post workout carb for glycogen recovery because it has to be broken down by the liver first. it just takes too long basically.

health food stores usually won't have dextrose. they might have maltodextrin, which is just as good, only not as sweet. look for NOW foods brand Carb Powder.

otherwise, find a local homebrewing store, they'll have dextrose pretty cheap. a 5lb bag will last you a while.
Okay, well what should I put in my shake for PWO if I can't use dextrose/maltodextrose?

What's considered a homebrewing store? I don't think I have any around me.

I asked the people at the stores I've gone to where I can find dextrose and they all said they had no clue of anywhere that would sell it.
Don't forget about fat-free chocolate milk. Makes a great post-training shake, it's what I've been using.

IMO, fruit especially bananas makes a great addition to a post-training meal. A banana is half glucose and half fructose. Glucose for muscle glycogen and fructose for liver glycogen which needs to be considered as a factor in this meal. Plus you get minerals and other good things. :)