Sport When should I start using creatine?

Sport Fitness
Ive just started weight training again after a 6 month absence. I have been going to gym 3 x times a week for the last 6 weeks. I am on a specific Basketball training program and have started taking Whey Protein last week.

I am very keen to get the best out of myself and my Basketball. Would people advise taking creatine at this stage of my development?
Sure... taking creatine right now isn't going to hurt you. Just make sure you are drinking 100oz of water per day.

If you want to take some creatine, I'd advice to take it after your weight session or hard pratice / game. Personally, I've gone over and used Creatine Estyl instead of mono because creatine mono require loading phase + maintaince but it does give you a nice pump and make you bigger (via water retention) than you outta be.
If I were you, I would be getting some good Whey's protein instead of creatine. I wouldn't use creatine until you start to platue. And in terms of "when"..18 years old is a safe age, after workouts is a good time to use it, and on your non-lifting days. I only use about a tsp, so a little bit goes a long way.