IconSmithy said:For wieght loss many choose the option of cardio in the morning on an empty stomach giving your body the option of fat for fuel.
NEVER skip breakfast, its what sets your metabolism for the day, if you skip that your body be going on empty for llike 18 hours, then your body could start catabolizing its own muscles, reverseing what you have tried so hard to gain.
isn't that wrong or i my wrong![]()
Actually both those quotes are correct. Run on an empty stomach so that your body can utilize fat as energy, followed by a high protein/low fat breakfast.
Keep away from high GI foods/drinks like juice. Drink water instead. Try to eat all of your calories. Don't drink them.(juice, soda, beer, coffee with sugar and milk)
Work out you BMR here and try not to exceed you daily calories (for weight loss). Try to divide your calories between up to 5 or 6 meals a day if you can. This keeps your metabolism burning calories for longer throughout the day. Also the more muscle you have the more calories you burn. 1 pound of extra muscle a day will burn 50 calories a day at rest and much more if active. Thats 350 calories a week at rest. And if you put on 10 pounds of muscle thats 3500 calories at rest a week. 3500 calories = 1 pound of fat.
And for women. You do not have nearly enough testosterone to build your body like a man. So don't be afraid to lift some heavy weights. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn and the slimmer you are. :biggrinsanta:
Immediately upon waking: You have an empty stomach and in all likelihood you have not eaten in eight hours which means that your body is so low on food that it is eating itself (catabolic) this means that it is eating muscle first and to a lesser extent fat..
Keep this order in mind. Now, in this earlybird state you will probably burn your bodymass off the most directly without any carbs or protein to slow the catabolism and for a better belly burn you can just not eat for an hour or so after your run.
Now whatever you choose I must remind you to respect food and not overuse your hunger spells. Food is your friend. one thing you can do to maximize these results is to eat only protein before bed and try to get all your carbs in the early day decreasing gradually till you have a carbless night ( a very common technique) Protein will keep your muscle intact better
If the body is going to take the path of least resistance (which is the only way it knows), will it use 9 energy units (fat calories) to drop a gram of weight or will it use 4 energy units (protein or carbohydrate calories) to drop a gram of weight? Of course, it will use only four! The first source of fuel is to use the stored carbohydrates. As long as carbs are present, there is little need to use fat.
Once carbs are depleted you will move onto the next 4 calorie energy which is your protein.
This is problematic because your body doesn't know a protein molecule in a piece of steak from a protein molecule in a piece of human muscle tissue. The muscle on your body is a readily available source of energy just waiting to be used. So whenever you do aerobic activity, you're burning muscle -- like it or not.
This is the reason that strict endurance athletes look the way that they do. Their bodies are designed for their sport depleted of muscle size with the blood flowing at maximum potency through small muscles that require less oxygen and burn less energy carrying less weight.
Dropping carbs though the day is a long used tradition.