When I run in the morning for 2 days and my legs are sore can I run the next day?

My friend said It is just that my legs are not used to it and I should so it can adjust to it.

I've been running recently to lose some weight because im overweight

5'4 150 lbs

So should I rest for a day or keep running?

I also wear sandals to run is that bad? How often should i drink water while running? I drink it every lap (around a school track) and my friend drinks it every 2 laps, he says its better that way is it true?

Anyways thanks.
I do not know how to answer your initial question on running, because I'm not a personal trainer. My best guess is that you should do what's best for your body. When I started running, I experienced similar pains, but my mindset was as follows: no pain, no gain (which is not always true, and possibly sometimes dangerous). But of course, you will experience soreness with any progress you acheive.

Yes, running in sandals is bad and possibly dangerous. Sandals are meant for lounging, and therefore do not offer the correct support or protection regular athletic/running shoes provide.

More importantly, it's good that you hydrate, but instead of simply hydrating WHEN you exercise, hydrate a certain time before and immediately afterwards. In fact, hydrate ALL DAY! Drinking appropriate amounts of water is necessary for your cells to complete their processes in your body.

Good luck on running and remember this: have fun with it! :)
Your calfs and legs will get soar for the first few times you run and then you will adapt and it will no longer hurt..

And please don't wear sandals lol!!! Just go to walmart or something and get some running shoes. :D
No Snadals

GET RID OF THE SANDALS.....they are horrible for running!!! they can break, you can twist your ankle or worse.

How long is this track? I try and run the whole time without drinking water, It is annoying for me to stop.

perfectly normal for your legs to hurt after running 1 day. You should try and skip days in between for recovery, or at least change up the routine.

I run about a mile and a half at a good pace, then I walk another 1/2 mile as a cool down and use that time to drink water. Not while I am running though. I like to reach that anerobic stage for a period of time then cool down. that is the key to cardio...the anerobic stage. which is when you are breathing real hard and your BPM are in a certain range, More experienced people can explain it better.

But lose the sandals, get running shoes, do not eat right before running or drink alot. BUt when you are done, drink plenty slowly and small amounts at a time, no beer chugging. Take your time running and enjoy it,don't make it like work find different courses and run with a friend.