Sport When and where?... nutrition

Sport Fitness
Hi guys

Ok I've worked out for my height, weight and age that my calories /day should be 3160. I am the right weight for my height at the moment. I'm fit and do a lot of excercise but want to build more lean muscle and also tone. You know the 6 pack, good definition etc. :D

I have decided to go with the 40% proteins, 40% carbs and 20% fats diet and six meals a day. I'm 80kg and it works out to 212g protein, 212g carbs and 47g of fat.

Does that sound right? and what percentages of proteins, carbs and fats should be with each meal?
so you want to bulk?
Hi guys

Ok I've worked out for my height, weight and age that my calories /day should be 3160. I am the right weight for my height at the moment. I'm fit and do a lot of excercise but want to build more lean muscle and also tone. You know the 6 pack, good definition etc. :D

I have decided to go with the 40% proteins, 40% carbs and 20% fats diet and six meals a day. I'm 80kg and it works out to 212g protein, 212g carbs and 47g of fat.

Does that sound right? and what percentages of proteins, carbs and fats should be with each meal?

Absolutely, love your screen name!

That completely and utterly ROCKS!

Talk the walk and you have to walk it baby! YEPPERS!

UH! A new one:

Torque IT. Blast IT. Attack IT. Smash IT. Fire the F@CK out of IT. Tear the crap out of IT!


ROCK ON! A REAL ROCKET will look at you with astonishment. ;)

Okay, okay......lets impart some information that will help you:

Let me blow your mind with some information to absorb:

Part ONE

Essential Elements Needed for Weight Loss or Weight Gain

This is What you Need to Do:

1. Get your Mind and Body Connected and Prepared.

2. What you need to do for Weight Loss or Weight Gain

--->a. Determine your Calorie Maintenance Needs (MT Line) using Harris Benedict Formula

--->b. Determine your Deficit or Surplus in Calories over your MT Line dependent upon your goals:

--->c. Calorie Deficit for Fat Loss
--->d. Calorie Surplus for Weight Gain

3. Change your Eating Habits

4. Try to eat good Nutrient ratios of: Protein, Carbs, and good Fats

5. Diet and Calorie Tracking; Strengths and Weaknesses

6. The Bad Choice Set

We spend a lot of time educating ourselves on various aspects of diet and training, but very little, if any, on training our brain on how to handle it.

Examine with your Heart from the Start.

Train the Brain:

"Cells that Fire Together Wire Together."

You have to learn to MASTER yourself, to become the MASTER of Weight Loss or Weight Gain for YOURSELF.

Through your goal journey WATCH, LOOK, and LISTEN, to your body it will TELL YOU if your doing the correct things or combination of things!

This is a good link that will provide you with tools in the attempt to MASTER your personal attributes: (The Weight Loss Intricate, by Chillen)


This is what you need to do: Weight Loss

One can use the Benedict Formula for Fat Loss or Weight Gain.​

Calculate your BMR:

The Harris Benedict equation determines calorie needs for men or woman as follows:

• It calculates your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calorie requirements, based on your height, weight, age and gender.

• It increases your BMR calorie needs by taking into account the number of calories you burn through activities such as exercise.

This gives you your total calorie requirement or approximated Maintenance Line.

Step One : Calculate your BMR with the following formula:

Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
Men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

Step Two : In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation:

•If you are sedentary : BMR x 1.2
•If you are lightly active: BMR x 1.375
•If you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 1.55
•If you are very active (You exercise daily.): BMR x 1.725
•If you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 1.9

The Nutrients: Protein, Carbs, and good Fats:

The 3 Nutrients (Carbs, Good Fats, and Protein) are an essential factor in the diet; however, the Law of Energy Balance within the DIET, is the ultimate KING while the Nutrients can play in some key decisions made within the body.

Nutrient Ratios: Example ONLY

Calories per gram of the three major nutrients:

Protein: 4 calories per gram

Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram

Fat: 9 calories per gram

Example Configuration:

Carbs (2850 calories or your estimated Calorie intake) x (0.50 or other percentage given) = 1425 calories (divided by 4) = 356 grams

Protein (2850 calories or your estimated Calorie intake ) x (0.30 or other percentage given) = 855 calories (divided by 4) = 214 grams

Fat (2850 calories or your estimated Calorie intake) x (0.20 or other percentage given) = 570 calories (divided by 9) = 63 grams

Create a Calorie Deficit: (To attempt to Lose Tissue, deficit example)

In order to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. It is easier and healthier to cut back your calorie intake a little bit at a time.

Every 3,500 calories is equivalent to approximated 1 pound of tissue

If you cut back -500 calories a day, you will lose approximately 1 pound per week. (not necessarily all fat)

If you exercise to burn off 500 calories a day (under your MT Line) you will also lose approximately 1 pound per week.


2. A diet plan optimized for fat tissue loss.

A. Determine your MT Line.

B. Create a small deficit

C. Create calorie TARGETS each day

D. EACH WEEK......KNOW whether you are gaining or losing weight. Don't play games with your hard work.

E. Learn how EFFECTIVE calorie and nutrient manipulations can be.

Study it, and learn when to apply them efficiently and effectively.

Create a SURPLUS : (Attempt to Gain Weight, Surplus example)

In order to gain weight, you must create a calorie surplus. It is easier and wiser to increase your calorie intake a little bit at a time.

What you need to focus on is this for mass: (VERY BRIEF SYNOPSIS)

1. Calories

Go over your approximated MT Line (or create a surplus) of about 300 to 500c. As time passes, see what your bodily feedback is, and adjust accordingly.

2. Have appropriate macro-nutrient targets:

Protein, good fats, and carbs.

Including your micro-nutrients: such as vitamins and minerals.

3. Consistent and persistent PROGRESSION in the GYM:

Weight Training, or a type of exercise program that you can create with what you have available to use.

Learning the various rep ranges that "traditionally" bring muscle growth and adjusting as your body gives you its feed back.

Make compound exercises your STAPLE exercises. The following is list of Compound (com) and Isolation (Iso) exercises I do recommend:

Squat (com), Dead Lift (com), Flat and incline bench press (com), Military press (com), Lunges (com), French Press (Skull crusher, Iso), Close Grip Bench Press (com), Barbell curl (Iso, I do not share the opinion, that barbell curls are a useless exercise), Bent Over Row/T-Bar Row (Com), and you can also choose: Dips and chins/pull-ups.

For example:

A training program that attempts to build and/or tries to maintain muscle for the entire body. A Full Body Routine. (FBW) or (upper/lower Split)

Develop a FBW at least 3 times per week. Get the body working in unison---it WILL PAY OFF. If this isn't possible with your lifestyle, then an upper/lower split or another compromise may have to be done--to get the weight training in.

1. Develop a FBW, Upper/Lower Split

2. Track your Weights Used, Sets, and Reps

3. Pay close attention to your progression on exercises.

4. Pay CLOSE ATTETION to the RETURN RESPONSE/FEEDBACK from your weight training routine

5. Make adjustments as necessary--LEARN YOUR PERSONAL SCIENCE.

4. TEACH YOURSELF good solid understanding on how each exercise effects the body--both indirectly and directly.

What is your personal science?

It is the LEVEL of personal implementation of diet and fitness into ones way of life that solicits a lifestyle change that applies "enough of the person" to achieve the goal they desire. This includes making difficult decisions and easy applied decisions.


Part two NEXT
Part Two:

Change your Eating Habits

○ Try eating 5 to 6 smaller meals during the day.

This should be the "target". But do not get upset if you cannot eat this frequently. It WILL NOT hurt your fat loss or weight gain goals.

Frequent meals do not improve metabolism (See metabolizer section :) )

○ Balance your meals out during the day so in one day you have a mix of Protein, Carbohydrate and good Fats

○ Drink lots of water during the day and before, during and after exercise

Simple Carb Examples: (Various fruit) Grapefruit, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Strawberries, Oranges, Apples, Pineapple, etc

Complex Carb Examples: Whole Wheat Pita Bread, Oatmeal, Long Grain Brown Rice, Brown Pasta, Malto-Meal (Plain, whole wheat),etc

Good Protein Examples: White or Dark Tuna, Fish, Chicken Breast, Lean Turkey, Lean Ham, Very lean Beef, Quality Whey Protein Powder, etc

Good Fats Examples: Natural Peanut Butter, Various Nuts, Flax Seed, Fish Oils.

Dietary Fiber: Whole Grains (Bran), Some fruits (like Apples), and vegetables, nuts and seeds

Vegetable suggestions:

ROOT VEGETABLES: beets, sweat potatoes, yams

GREEN VEGETABLES: asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cucumber, field greens, mixed salad greens, green beans, romaine lettuce, snap peas, and spinach

OTHER VEGETABLES: bell peppers, carrots, celery, eggplant, mushrooms, soybeans, squash, tomatoes, organic (low sodium) vegetable soup (be careful in the selection).


Diet and Calorie Tracking and dealing with Weaknesses and Strengths:

Weakness and Strength (synopsis)

Sit yourself down, and write down every possible dietary weakness and strengths you possess.

Tear yourself myself apart being honest.

Develop an “On Limits Food List” and an “Off Limits Food List”.

Evaluate your living environment and work environment, its associated effects and causes, and what would have negative and positive effects toward your goal, and (set a reaction in place)

Develop a list of bad food items that could be made to be more healthy, for example:

Oatmeal cookies, and Peanut Butter Cookies, and replaced the ingredients in these to the more healthy alternative—like Splenda for the replacement of white refined sugar, and whole wheat flour instead of white bleached flour, and so on and so forth.

Developing a CLEAR strategy in dealing with your weaknesses (and changing ingredients in sweet items-like the aforementioned- is one example and can assist with the “I want something sweet—DAMN IT!” type of situation).

Calorie Tracking

I highly recommend tracking your calories--each day. This can be done through:

Or you can create your own manual tracking method. Either way, it IS VITALLY important.

You calorie limitations whether in deficit or surplus should be confined to and fit within a 24 hour cycle.

Benefits of a Calorie and Weight Training Journal:

Very Briefly:

Some say don't track calories, some say do. Some that don't track calories are in the position of knowledge that they don't have to.

Some are in the same position of knowledge want to eliminate the element of memory failure, track calories, and use the POWER it POSSESSES:

One's diet and fitness history is the teacher of the present. And, if the present condition isn't acceptable, then you look at the previous history, adapt through using the wisdom of the past to bring intelligence to the present.

What ever you decide to do there is NO DOUBT what this information can do for you when its on paper--precisely--what you had been taking in calorie wise.

It is a foundation base that CAN prevent heartache and weight loss plateaus......its underestimated IMO, because allot do not USE IT to their personal GOAL ADVANTAGE--properly, and this is TOO BAD.

Within this journal you would have information without a price tag. IMO.

If one is keeping a training journal, this essential journal can tell you many things: Your progress from one work out to the next (on individual exercises), and whether your progress is occurring good, or slowing down.

In addition, if one is keeping a diet journal per day along with the training journal, one can look in the diet journal per day and compare results in the training journal and in effect determine if its something in the diet or training and/or both is slowing progress.

Though its rather brief (as I could list many more benefits), this portion of my post can be the heart and soul of one's success (IMO)

One more important statement:

Use the data from the diet and fitness journals along with appropriate application of knowledge learned to have the tools available to "work with" to allow you to have a foundation to "work from" to make improvements, "when" complications come up during diet and fitness training.



"The Bad Choice Set":
Artificial Sweeteners v. Refined White Sugar

○ Substitute an artificial sweetener of your choice (and at peace with) to replace refined white sugar (Refrain from Refined White Sugar like you would a disease)

Here is why: (link)

To keep a desire for sweet items at bay or within the confines of personal tolerance and within your goal parameters while dieting, I would like you to think about this view:

Think of sweeteners (both artificial sweeteners and refined white sugar, for example) as having to make a choice from:

"A Bad Choice Set" and this "Bad Choice Set" are Artificial Sweeteners v. Refined White Sugar, and how your decision to use one or the other will fit and be appropriate within your dietary and physical fitness goals.

A lot of persons use Splenda (and others types) (as it reduces calories and fits within their dietary goals), but this too has its critics:

Therefore, make a decision that is the best one for you among the "Bad Choice Set", that will not harm your personal goals you seek.

You must have "some appropriate and controlled obsession" in yourself toward your goal.

Having controlled obsession is critical, but some lose this obsession once they learn the amount of work it requires.

There eyes widen and the obsession then pops right out.
Don't let this happen to you: Raise your Want-o-Meter to a new higher level.

Diet is the "essential element" within a fitness plan:

The diet can prevent muscle growth, cause muscle growth, prevent fat loss, cause fat loss , and effect a person biologically and psychologically.

It is the catalyst within a fitness plan that makes everything else that one should "also attempt to make optimal" work.

Lastly, if you cannot afford to hire a personal trainer. Then you are going to have to be:

Your own personal trainer.

YOU are going to have to be your own personal trainer and nutritionist and design a training program and diet structure within your lifestyle that works in conjunction with your personal activities.

And, this is possible. Its always possible, IMO.

However, it will take some pre-work and personal development time to get it started.

And, this begins with the "degree of seriousness" you personally have for your personal diet and fitness choice, and the willingness to garner the knowledge "necessary" to understand yourself within this diet and fitness knowledge, and then appropriately and personally applying it within your life to allow you to earn your goal you seek.

There is allot of information available and there is no excuse:

1. Take some time and seek knowledge of the almighty calorie and energy balance.

Really and truly understand this. A lot of persons can discouraged through lack of knowledge in what there trying to do and--how to properly adapt this knowledge within their likes and dislikes and their personal environment (and when it changes).

This means making threads and asking questions. This means getting on GOOGLE and doing specific searches.

This means reading books, etc.

2. Take the time to learn about different exercises you can do with your limited exercise equipment or what you have available to use.

Learn about the different types of weight training exercises AND body weight exercises.

This means to get to making threads and asking questions about them. This means getting on GOOGLE and doing specific searches.

This means reading applicable books that are applicable to your situation and goal choice.

3. Earn some understanding on the calories burned during certain exercises that are applicable to you and personal situation.

This means to get to making threads and asking questions about them. This means getting on GOOGLE and doing specific searches. This means reading applicable books that are applicable to your situation and goal choice.

Of all the bad feelings along ones path that we encounter as we work toward our goals, the feeling that we encounter once we meet are goals are 30 times more powerful than all the bad feelings COMBINED in our path to get there.

There is NO SUCH THING as an over-the-counter fat burner (don’t event THINK about it)........they don't exist.

Don’t be looking for an easy way out---there isn't one.

The metabolism BURNER:

Correct Diet + Exercise

The Metabolizer:

Adjustments and/or Corrections in DIET on bodily CHANGES and FEEDBACK + Adjustments and/or Corrections in Training + Adaptive PATIENCE

Fat didn't accumulate over night and THUS will not come off overnight and this FACT results in: YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT IT.

Additionally, it will take time and patience to develop muscle.


You have operate IN:


Best Regards,

Starting a personal Journal:

You may want to consider creating a journal in the journal section of the forum. This way you can ask additional questions, post your diet and training, keep a log of thoughts, etc.

A lot of persons view these logs, and it could assist you, possibly, in allot of ways!


I wish you the best in all that you do in life and within fitness,

Ill make that **** a sticky if it will make you stop posting it everywhere.

A good idea would be to simply link to a previous post rather than posting the same long thing, if it can't be made a sticky. For example Proteinboy and Phate89 have made good posts about example workouts, so instead of copying and pasting/regurgitating the info, just make a small link to the previous post. :D
Thanks Chillen, my printer busy now.. ;)

Hi Kraken, no I'm not trying to bulk up but if I bulk a little I dont mind. I am trying to tone and build lean muscle. I dont want to be a body builder
Thanks Chillen, my printer busy now.. ;)

Hi Kraken, no I'm not trying to bulk up but if I bulk a little I dont mind. I am trying to tone and build lean muscle. I dont want to be a body builder

You are welcome! Got enough paper in the printer?! He, he! :) Buh, ha, ha!

ROCK ON! With your fitness goals.

Any questions on the post (s) let me know!

Best regards,

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