What's Your Top 3 Fat Burning Triumvirate?


New member
Hey guys!

What are your favorite exercises (top 3)? Post your best 'fat burning' or 'muscle building' exercise that really gets it going for you in the gym or at your home gym!

i'll start off with my top 3:

1) HIIT on the Elliptical Trainers
2) Reverse Crunches
3) Incline Bench Presses

After that I hit it off with some good ol Tropicana Fruit Juice and Whey Protein and then some pasta after that :)

What's your fat burning triumvirate?
My favourite things to do are use my workout DVD (it really feels like I've done well at the end of it, and it's a hard workout) or go to the gym. At the gym I think my favourite is the treadmill, where I alternate between a swift walk and jogging and finish off with a swift walk with an incline.